Askofen-P - indications for use and features of the drug

Such unpleasant things as pain, inflammation, fever cause discomfort, change the habitual rhythm of life, reduce efficiency. Because of this, when they first appear, the search for a medicine begins. Let's consider more in detail the preparation of Ascoffen-P, we shall name indications to application, we shall list features of its use.

Askofen-P - from what these tablets?

Seeing the commercial, quite often in the viewer's head the question arises as to what helps Ascofen-P. To get an answer to it, you need to refer to the instruction. It states that the drug is a combined preparation that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, has an analgesic effect. Given this fact, doctors appoint Askofen-P, the indications for the application of which are the following:

Askofen-P - composition

Its name was derived from the parts of the name of the components of its constituents. Talking about the medicine, the effect on the body, physicians often draw the patients' attention to the active ingredients of Ascofen-P, whose tablet composition is as follows:

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid. This substance has a pronounced analgesic effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect. This acid directly suppresses the action of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which regulates the synthesis of prostaglandins. In parallel, there is a decrease in platelet aggregation - the risk of developing thrombi is reduced.
  2. Paracetamol. Actively reduces the values ​​of the temperature index while also providing an analgesic effect.
  3. Caffeine. This component stimulates the respiratory center, expanding the lumen of the blood vessels of the muscles, brain, kidneys and heart. By helping to relieve fatigue, increase the intensity of work, enhance the effect of other components.

How to take Ascoffen-P?

Like any drug, it requires the appointment and Ascofen-P, the use of which necessarily agrees with the therapist. The doctor, takes into account the type of violation, its severity, the nature of the manifestations, indicates the specific dosage of the drug, the frequency of its use and duration. Strict adherence to the recommendation helps to avoid violations of overdose medication. The dosage of the drug directly depends on the purpose of use:

Askofen-P from pressure

Often patients, taking the medicine as an anesthetic, think about whether it raises or lowers the pressure of Ascoffen-P. Proceeding from the fact that it contains caffeine, it is worth noting that the use of the drug leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels by increasing their tone. As a result, blood pressure indicators increase, the number of heartbeats also increases. General health deteriorates sharply. There is a strong headache, dizziness, nausea. Acceptance of the drug is justified when:

Ascofen-P from toothache

Often, patients think that Ascofen P is an anesthetic. In fact, this is so. Acetylsalicylic acid in its composition has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Because of this, the drug can be administered with a complex therapy of inflammatory processes, regardless of their location. Liquefying blood by decreasing platelet aggregation, the drug helps to improve trophic tissue, which positively affects the rate of their recovery. When the tooth tissue is damaged, the soreness after the intake disappears. In this case, the medicine is taken orally with water.

Ascofen-P at temperature

The drug Ascofen-P is used when the temperature rises. This condition is often accompanied by a sense of weakness, weakness. It not only reduces temperature values, but also improves overall well-being, thanks to its toning properties. Take the drug when the temperature rises in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions. Prescribing Askofen-P, the indications for the use of which are indicated above, doctors use the common dosage: 1 tablet, 1-2 times a day.

Ascofen-P from headache

The drug Ascopen-P at low pressure helps to ease the patient's well-being. Caffeine stimulates the vasomotor center, which is located in the medulla oblongata. Increasing the tone of the vessels of the brain speeds up the processes of outflow of venous blood. As a result, the compressive pains pass. Increases working capacity. The patient feels a quick relief.

Askofen-P - contraindications

Calling the components of the drug Ascophen-P, indications for its use, it is worth noting those violations in which the use of the drug is unacceptable. Among them are:

Negative effects of Ascophen-II on the body

The use of the medicine should be agreed with the district therapist. This excludes the possibility of developing complications associated with dosing disorders and misuse of the drug. Overdose of Ascofen-P can lead to various disorders, among which:

In case of severe drug intoxication, the following are noted:

Ascofen-P in pregnancy

Based on information that is contained in the instructions to the drug, use it when carrying a child and during lactation can not. Ascofen-P raises the pressure, which is fraught with complications during gestation, in the form of fetal hypoxia , edema formation. The prohibition extends to 1 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy. In the 2nd trimester, physicians allow single use of the drug, in those cases where the expected effect of use exceeds the risk of complications of gestation, on the part of health and fetal status.

If it becomes necessary to use the medication during lactation, they switch to mixtures. The presence of acetylsalicylic acid in the formulation may cause:

Askofen-P - analogues

In some cases, the drug Ascophen-P can not be used because of contraindications. In this case, doctors resort to the appointment of similar drugs that have a similar composition and have the same effect on the body. On the pharmacological market, there are a lot of drugs belonging to the same group. Among the most common are:

Directly these medications are a way out of the situation when Askofen-P should be prescribed - there are indications for use, but there are also factors limiting the intake of this drug. Patients, strictly following the instructions of physicians, will be able to exclude the side effects from the use of the drug. When there are suspicious signs, reactions to the use of the drug, it is worth informing the doctor, and the reception is completely stopped.