How Anita Tsoi lost weight - diet

After Anita had a baby, she weighed more than a hundred kilograms. With overweight, she fought for life, and now this issue has become even more urgent. Not all methods helped, although the singer drank tea for weight loss, was engaged in the gym, did acupuncture. As a result, she managed to achieve the desired result. This article will tell about the diet of Anita Tsoi and advice on how to lose weight, which she gladly shares in the press, various interviews and programs.

How did Anita Tsoy lose weight by 54 kilograms?

The result was achieved only after a radical change in all dietary habits, the main point - a fractional diet: there is little, but often.

After applying a certain diet, the weight loss was stunning. The singer's method is called the "golden dozen": the diet is designed for ten days. Following this diet, Anita Tsoi lost weight and pulled up the body, which made her figure slim and fit.

Sample diet menu:

  1. Day one: parsley, cucumbers and yogurt are mixed and ground in a blender. It is divided into six parts and is used throughout the day, nothing else is there.
  2. Day two, three and four: begins with ordinary water with fresh lemon juice, then you can eat grapefruit, when the hour passes - the protein of one egg. A total of five proteins are eaten per day, alternating with grapefruit.
  3. Day five: throughout the day only a salad of cucumbers and eggs is allowed.
  4. Day six: fresh beets, oatmeal , one egg, fresh carrots, pear, citrus, yoghurt.
  5. Seventh day: protein. Oatmeal, citrus (to your taste), apple, boiled chicken or turkey about 150 grams, fruit (any except banana and grapes), for dinner - 150 grams of cod (not fried).
  6. Day eight is identical to the fifth.
  7. Day nine: buckwheat + grated carrots, cucumbers about 200 grams alternate throughout the day.
  8. Day 10: omelet from eggs, apple, lunch - cod and vegetables, in the evening potatoes in uniform.

This menu is quite difficult to sustain, but it is an effective secret from Anita Tsoy on how to lose weight.

In addition, you need to constantly move, run in the morning or go to the gym. Anita Tsoy, when answering the question: "How to lose weight?" Will certainly say that you should not eat after six o'clock in the evening. Also it is necessary to take into account that some products are not absorbed by the body when they are simultaneously taken.

A detailed muse of the Tsoi diet