What is the purpose of Picamylon?

Medicine Pikamilon refers to nootropic drugs. Active substance in the drug Pikamilon is nicotinol gamma-aminobutyric acid. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and injectable solutions. For what the injections and tablets Pikamilon are prescribed, you can learn from the article.

What helps Picamalon?

The drug Pikamilon has a nootropic effect, and, in addition, is:

The drug intake is aimed at activating the brain functions by normalizing metabolic processes and improving cerebral circulation.

The coursework of Picamalon is facilitated by:

Indications for use of Pikamilon are as follows:

Professional athletes Pikamilon helps to adapt to the physical load in the competition. Often, the drug is recommended for use with a busy work schedule and when working in extreme conditions. Also Pikamilon helps against encephalopathy, which arose on the basis of chronic alcoholism, and with acute alcohol intoxication. For relief of migraine attacks, the drug is prescribed as part of a complex therapy.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of Picamalon

Typically, the drug Pikamilon well tolerated by patients. In some cases, side effects are possible:

Contraindicated taking Picamalon:

It is undesirable to apply the drug in acute form of cerebral circulation disturbance to a serious degree.


In therapy, the general rule applies: the tablet form of the drug Pikamilon is indicated in cases where the patient has not violated the swallowing reflex, and he easily tolerates the internal administration of the drug. In acute conditions, when the patient is difficult to take the drug, intramuscular or intravenous (infusion and jet) injections are used. At asthenic conditions can simultaneous oral administration and intramuscular administration.

The drug is used regardless of time of day and food intake. Pikamilon tablets are not ground and not chewed, but swallowed whole, washed down with water in a volume of at least 0.5 cup. The dosage of the medicine, as well as the duration of the course of treatment, depend on the type of the disease and the peculiarities of its course.

Attention! Medicinal preparation Pikamilon strengthens the action of analgesics , which contain narcotic substances, and, conversely, reduces the effect of barbiturates on the body.