How quickly to cure a cold?

Colds can start in different ways, but basically the first sign of it becomes a stuffy nose. Usually this is an already very unpleasant and uncomfortable state, in addition to everything accompanied by sneezing. The first thing that comes to mind: how to quickly cure a runny nose to return to the system and throw away, at last, these hateful handkerchiefs. You can do it in dozens of different ways. The most effective methods of treating the common cold are described below.

How can I quickly cure a beginning rhinitis?

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. More often there is a rhinitis - an alternative name of a cold - during a cold or a viral infection. There is also an allergic rhinitis, but unlike a catarrhal or viral one, it can be cured only by eliminating the source of allergy.

Very often rhinitis begins because of cold feet. To cure as quickly as possible the runny nose, or rather, prevent it from developing, after you soak your feet or freeze, immediately take a hot bath and drink something warm. Try to warm up as soon as possible.

If, even after that, the next morning you woke up with a stuffy nose, do not get discouraged. Rinse the nose and throat with a light saline solution, at breakfast, drink hot tea with honey and lemon. Then you can use anti-inflammatory drops or spray.

Quickly cure a cold and runny nose will help and proper nutrition. It is desirable for the patient to keep bed rest, drink as much as possible hot and eat balanced, adding to the diet different vegetables, fruits, meat dishes. All this will help to strengthen immunity .

An excellent anti-inflammatory drug - cranberries. The taste of the berry is quite specific - sourish-bitter. But a handful of cranberries has about the same effect as a bag of anti-cold tea, and helps to quickly cure the runny nose and throat. The main advantage of cranberry is that it is a natural medicine that works effectively and does absolutely no harm to the body.

How quickly to cure a viral and chronic cold?

Of course, first of all special drugs like Knoxprey, Naphthyzin and Pinosol come to mind. And in some cases, drugs really do not have equal - the runny nose passes quickly and without a trace. But it also happens that even after several days of treatment, the condition of the patient does not change. And too long these means can not be used - they can be addictive. An excellent alternative to medical treatment - folk methods:

  1. A very simple way to cure rhinitis (even in chronic form) is to warm the maxillary sinuses with an egg. A hot boiled egg wrap in a kerchief and warm your nose until it cools. Repeat the procedure several times a day. You will begin to breathe freely after the first warming up. Instead of an egg, you can take a bag of hot salt.
  2. The old grandmother's method is the Kalanchoe juice . With it, you can quickly cure a runny nose in both an adult and a child. Squeeze the juice from the leaf Kalanchoe and oil them in the nose. Repeat the procedure three to four times a day.
  3. With chronic rhinitis, rinsing with tincture of calendula is excellent.
  4. Excellent on the nose runny nose and garlic inhalation. It is necessary to finely chop into a bowl or garlic and breathe in pairs until they are exhausted. After each procedure, it will seem that the runny nose is worse, in fact, so is the process of cleansing the nose. If desired, you can instill onion juice onion.
  5. Instead of medicinal drops, you can use beetroot. They treat no worse than any drug.
  6. Another quick way to cure a runny nose is to bury the nose with menthol oil. Do the procedure all day long.