Asters: cultivation

Caring for asters is simple enough if you follow several rules. The plant needs only regular watering, accurate loosening of the land and timely feeding.

Cultivation of asters from seeds

For gardeners, beginners, it may be news that there are varieties of perennial and annual. The perennial aster reproduces by dividing the bush. But one-year-old can be grown only with the help of seeds.

Seeds of asters have a fairly dense shell, so that unfavorable conditions they are not terrible. On the other hand, even such a dense shell does not interfere with the seeds to perfectly swell and germinate. Cultivation of asters from seeds can be seedling or uncultivated.

The technology is quite simple. In the period from March to April, the seeds are sown in a cold greenhouse or pots. Next shoots dive and in May they can be planted in the ground. The soil is a very loose, nutritious and sufficiently illuminated soil. In order for the seeds to germinate, they need a temperature of about 25 ° C. After sowing, the boxes are covered with a film, this will help maintain a constant humidity. After sowing, the first shoots will appear in a week. For successful growing, sprouts should be watered rarely, but abundant enough and keep the temperature around 18 ° C.

The second way is uncut. It is suitable for the middle zone with a fairly mild climate. Seeds are sown in spring or autumn. If you decide to plant seeds in the autumn period, then the best time for this is November. The plant will be more resistant to bad weather, and will bloom for a couple of weeks before, and the flowering will be more abundant and lush.

Aster perennial: cultivation

The plant is also called "real astra". All varieties perennials are very resistant to frost and bad weather. That is why nursing and growing a perennial asters is much easier. Perennial varieties have very densely sheltered shoots, their height varies from 20 cm to 1.5 m.

Division of the bush should be done in early spring. Once the asters begin to grow, you can start to work, while you should cut off weak shoots. When dividing the bush, you will get 3-5 new shoots. For this propagation the bush can not be dug at all. With the help of a sharp shovel, we simply separate one part from the bush and divide it into two parts.

In the period from May to June varietal asters can be propagated by cuttings. Suitable cuttings are apical, their length is about 5-7 cm. Special ridges should be prepared with a very loose substrate. Ideal proportions are considered a mixture of two parts of the turf ground and one part sand and peat. Plant better under the film and in a dark place. Cuttings will take root about 30 days. With this method of planting the cuttings of an astra and proper care for them, in August-September you will be able to land them.

Astra: care and cultivation

To flowers pleased with abundant flowering and good growth, they should be properly watered. Abundant watering is very important in a dry summer, especially during budding. In this case, too much to fill the plants do not need, because excess moisture can badly affect the root system. If you notice that the leaves have begun to turn yellow and the number of inflorescences decreased, this is a sure sign of a lack of water.

For fertilizing mineral fertilizers are suitable. Using this kind of fertilizer in the care of asters, you can count on abundant flowering and bright colors. In the spring period, use phosphorus fertilizers and lime. For successful cultivation, asters actively use organic fertilizers.

Flowers are rather unpretentious, but really abundant flowering will be given only in favorable conditions. To do this, select semi-shaded places, they are suitable for almost all varieties. The aster grows well on loam, which is dug up to 20 cm and quite fertile.