How to care for indoor flowers?

There are often cases when, having fallen into the hands of a budding floriculturist, the plant suffers from unsuitable conditions. After all, there are different types of indoor flowers - shadow and light-loving, which, without the necessary conditions, lose their decorativeness and may die from improper care. That is why it is so important to know the name of the variety and the particular care for a particular plant.

Shadow-loving indoor flowers

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish shade-loving and shadow-tolerant plants. The latter grow well with diffuse dim light, whereas the former do not tolerate even a daylight flux, and therefore prefer shaded corners in the back of the room.

These shade-loving people include gardenia , nephroplepsis, ivy, philodendron, scindapus, Tradescantia, maranta, fittonia, dracaena. These plants prefer moderate watering and high humidity, to which they are accustomed in natural habitats.

Photophilous indoor flowers

There are much more representatives in this group of plants. The fact that the plant is photophilous does not at all mean that it needs to be exposed to the bright light of the south window sill, and it will feel comfortable there.

Only some types of succulents are capable of carrying bright light. The remaining plants can get a burn of the leaves from placement under direct sunlight. Photophilous flowers should be located near the windows, but with shading in the form of an openwork curtain. All these plants, with some exceptions, love moist air and regular watering.

How to take care of indoor succulent flowers?

These unusual plants are excellent for beginners, because they require a minimum of attention and participation. Succulents are able to withstand long periods of drought and irregular watering without harm to themselves.

The main task of caring for these plants is a suitable soil and good drainage. After all, there is nothing worse for a succulent than an overflow, the consequence of which is the inevitable decay of roots and death.

Succulents like to grow in wide low-lying pots on brightly lit windowsills. Occasionally, on hot days, you can moisten the air around, not forgetting about regular feeding.

How to care for a room orchid?

Such a whimsical, but very beautiful plant, like an orchid, requires a lot of attention and effort on the part of the florist, which significantly distinguishes it from succulents. To achieve intense flowering, you need a properly selected soil and a flower pot. Also, high humidity and fertilizer are important. Light for an orchid should be bright, but scattered, at least 15 hours a day, and therefore often the plant has to be lightened.

Whichever plant is chosen for decorating the house, it will be possible to achieve a beautiful flowering and bright emerald foliage only when it is taken care of with all the heart.