At what time can you determine the twins?

Some women dream of becoming mothers of several babies at once. This is possible as a result of multiple pregnancies. During it develops, more often than not, two children, who are called twins or twins. They can result from the separation of a fertilized egg. In this case, the twins are called odnoyaytsevymi. They can also be raznoyaytsevymi - in the case if more than one egg was fertilized. Future moms are wondering on what term of pregnancy you can determine twins. It is also interesting to understand what methods exist for this. After all, it is so important to know about such a feature, in order to pay extra attention to your health together with your doctor.

At what date is twins determined?

Various methods are known, which differ in their accuracy and allow the establishment of multiple pregnancies.

A blood test for hCG shows whether the conception has occurred. If, as a result of the test, the value is higher than the norm, this may indicate the development of several fruits at once.

To diagnose various conditions, doctors often use ultrasound. The future mother will regularly undergo such a survey. This method will let you know how many babies are in the uterus. It is necessary to find out when it is possible to determine twins by ultrasound. A specialist can see the number of embryos in about 5-6 weeks. But for various reasons, on a small date, it is established that there are several fruits in the uterus, not always. In some cases, the doctor accurately diagnoses this fact later, for example, during screening in the first trimester.

Also it is interesting, on what term it is possible to define twins without ultrasound. A qualified gynecologist can do this without the use of special equipment. At a period of about 9 weeks during a manual examination, the doctor has the opportunity to notice that the woman will become the mother of twins.