Preparatory classes for future first graders

Before the child crosses the threshold of the school on September 1, he will have to attend preparatory classes for first-graders, which are held at the educational institution, beginning in February and ending in May. Although in different institutions this time can be changed somewhat, but in any case such events, including from 6 to 8 classes, the future student must pass.

At the end of the course for parents, based on the work done with their children, the teacher issues appropriate recommendations, which must be followed in the summer. These can be generalized advice on lifestyle, hardening and training for all children, and individual for each individual student.

The teacher, based on the lessons with future first-graders, draws conclusions about the abilities of children, about what should be paid close attention in case of need, so that schooling is for the child a joy. Often the teacher gives an assignment for the summer, which will not be difficult, but, most likely, will be in the form of a game development aid, well-known children from the garden.

Preparatory classes for future first graders in mathematics

One of the most important school disciplines throughout the years will be for a child mathematics, which in high school will be divided into algebra and geometry. Having good analytical skills, the student will easily be given chemistry, physics and computer science, so the influence of mathematical disciplines on the life of the child is difficult to overestimate.

Classes in mathematics for the preparation of future first-graders for school are reduced to finding out the possibilities of children. Often parents think that it is necessary to study your child quickly to count up to a hundred and back, but this is not at all what the child will need.

You should do as much as possible with the child, so that he perfectly memorizes such concepts as below, above, behind, ahead and others. At first glance, they have nothing to do with solving problems, but still play a huge role in the development of analytical and spatial thinking.

The child should understand what number in the number series is more, and how much less, be able to compare the quantities, know the geometric figures in a simple way, it is good to navigate within a dozen and be able to solve the simplest tasks from life. Here will take this: in the pocket lay three sweets, one girl gave a girlfriend, how much does she have left?

Preparatory classes for future first-graders by letter

It is very important that the fine motor that allows to hold the handle correctly is well developed. After all, good handwriting does not happen by itself - to have it, it is necessary to train a lot in writing.

At the writing lessons before the school, children do not write yet, because they will only teach letters in the first grade. The teacher gives them the simplest tasks to draw sticks, circles, connect the objects on the dotted line. The more such exercises are carried out with the child and during the summer, the sooner parents will see a positive dynamics on the way to a beautiful handwriting and accurate notebooks.

You should not give your child a beautiful bright handle with a button - he will be distracted and distract other children. The handle should not also be faceted - it quickly gets tired fingers, but too thick or thin. It is better to choose the usual inexpensive ballpoint pen for the first classes.

Lesson on the development of speech for future first-graders

Since children will start reading only in the school year, they are engaged in active development of speech during their preparation. In these classes, the teacher plays with children in games, guessing puzzles, learning a little cheerful quatrains and training the pronunciation of sounds with patters.

In addition, the teacher, communicating with future students, reading fairy tales and stories, passively allows children to replenish their vocabulary, which they need to master the school disciplines.