What is useful for a burger?

Ryazhenka is made from regular milk , but thanks to heat treatment and fermentation, the product acquires qualities that positively affect the work of the body. Nutritionists and doctors recommend that everyone pay attention to this miracle product.

What is useful for a burger?

Despite the thermal treatment, the product remains a huge number of substances, causing the following properties:

  1. The protein, which is in the fermented brew, is perfectly absorbed in the body, which makes it a dietary product.
  2. You can arrange unloading days on a fermented woman and safely include this product in the diet, without fear of damaging the figure, because it has a low percentage of fat. As for calorie content, in 100 g there are about 60 kcal.
  3. This sour-milk product has a positive effect on the digestive system, as it normalizes the intestinal microflora. If after a rich meal to drink ryazhenki, its properties will greatly improve its digestion. Doctors recommend eating fermented peas with ulcers and gastritis.
  4. The use of fermented milk for the body is that it helps to neutralize toxins. With the help of this product you can improve the state of poisoning.
  5. Amino acids of this product have the ability to break down fats, and also have a rejuvenating effect.
  6. The composition of fermented biscuit includes magnesium and iron - minerals, which promote the development of muscle mass. Many athletes love and regularly use this sour-milk product.
  7. The composition includes vitamin B2, which positively affects the energy metabolism, as it converts carbohydrates and fats and energy.

Ryazhenka is a sweetish fermented milk product, but it still perfectly combines with berries and fruits, which will help create a separate delicious and very useful dessert.