How many calories are in lemon?

The stable expression "sour as a lemon" is most often used in a negative sense. But the fruit itself, which has the famous sour-pre-acid taste, occupies an honorable place in the food basket of many people. It's all about the unique compatibility of lemons with other products. This fruit is an excellent seasoning for sauces and salad dressings, an indispensable ingredient in confectionery and beverages. He gives the food a piquancy and lightness, and almost does not add to it the calorie content. Answer the question, how many calories in the lemon itself, after reviewing its composition. Despite the sour taste, the fruit contains quite a lot of carbohydrates - 35% of the total mass, the rest is water and dietary fiber. Very little protein and fat in it - 14% of the total mass, that is, approximately 1 gram. So how many calories are in a lemon of medium weight? Very little - 34 calories. This is an excellent product for those who struggle with excess weight . And its useful properties are almost completely preserved in freshly squeezed juice.

How many calories are in lemon juice?

Caloric content of lemon juice is almost the same as that of lemon itself. And the chemical composition is not much different. In juice, a little less carbohydrates, and proteins and fats as much as in fresh fruit. There is also a full range of vitamins and microelements:

The caloric content of lemon juice is 33 kcal / 100 g, it is almost equal to the level of nutritional value of fresh fruit. Lemon juice can be safely added to sauces, pastries, drinks, used as a seasoning for meat and fish. Excess calories he does not add to the dishes.