Badger meat - good and bad

A small and secretive badger is a difficult prey for a hunter. They do not go far from their holes and spend 5 months a year in hibernation. Hence it can be concluded that the best season for hunting a badger is autumn, it is at this time that he reserves himself with a large number of nutrients that will support his body throughout the winter.

Is the badger meat edible?

People who want to try the meat of this forest animal necessarily wonder whether it is possible to eat the meat of a wild badger, who eats everything in a row. Of course, the fears are not unfounded, but do not worry too much about this. Firstly, despite the badger's gluttony, he will never touch the carrion, even if he is very hungry (the root will better chew). Secondly, it is the property of omnivorousness that gives meat a huge benefit.

Most importantly, before starting a dinner consisting of dishes cooked with badger meat, check the carcass for trichinosis maintenance to protect yourself and your family.

The Benefit of Badger Meat

  1. Meat animal contains in itself such chemical elements as vitamin A and E, which slow premature aging of the skin.
  2. Present in its composition and all the vitamins of group B , activating the work of the brain and nerve impulses.
  3. It is worth noting that the main benefit in badger meat is the maintenance of a very important vitamin K, which helps the process of blood clotting.

Badger meat harm

Along with the benefits, badger meat can harm the body only if there is trichinosis in it, therefore, as mentioned above, do not neglect the test. Badger meat is best used in boiled form, because it preserves all the nutrients and thanks to the high temperature we rid it of all harmful organisms.