Whether it is possible kvass to feeding mum?

Proper nutrition, which must be observed by the nursing mother, is a good basis for the health of the child. It has long been known that the proper selection of food for a pregnant woman, and especially a nursing woman, is a whole science. To drinks it is necessary to have not less steadfast attention.

Whether it is possible for feeding mum kvass?

We all know that there is nothing better than a hot summer day of a cup of life-giving, cold kvass, so women often wonder whether it is possible to drink kvass from a nursing mother.

Answering this question, we should note that it is necessary to use kvass during breastfeeding with caution. it is a fermentation product, and it can cause bloating and colic in the baby.

Some nutritionists do not recommend kvass during lactation. But still, the majority is of the opinion that in small quantities it can be drunk if its use does not lead to discomfort and the baby's organism reacts well.

Speaking about what kind of kvass can be breastfeeding mother, then naturally, it is best to cook at home . But if this is not possible, then you need to choose from the purchased options: barrel or bottled.

Kvass in bottles can not be called completely natural. In most cases, it is carbonated and has a long shelf life, and this can be achieved with the help of preservatives, which does not correspond to the parameters of natural "live" kvass. Such a drink can not be called harmful, but you should not drink this kvass when lactating, as it can with a high probability cause a negative reaction of the child's organism to it.

Nursing mothers can drink kvass barrel option for bottling, it is much better than bottled. But when buying, it is worth paying attention to the seller's workplace, which must comply with sanitary norms. Tara, which will pour kvass, it is better to bring with you. And do not be shy to ask for documents in which it will be written that kvass of natural fermentation or, more simply, "live". Shelf life should be no more than 3 days.

Given all the nuances in the production of kvass, this drink can be drunk in small quantities, and the norm per day is one glass. In any case, kvass is considered a useful drink, since it has in its composition microelements that strengthen immunity. Many mummies claim that it even allows you to overcome the lactation crisis , although there is no medical evidence for this.