Caisson disease - what is it and who is it facing?

Caisson disease is well known to representatives of those professions, whose work is related to immersion in water, to a great depth in the bowels of the earth or with a flight into space. The difference in air pressure in the two environments in which a person works can cause paralysis or death.

Caissonism - what is it?

Decompression disease, otherwise called a caisson or a disease of divers, appears in humans after they rise to the surface of the earth or water from the depths. A caisson disease occurs when the atmospheric pressure changes. The decompression can be experienced by representatives of those professions that are engaged in the construction of surface bridges, ports, miners, sinkers, scuba divers, explorers of the sea depths, astronauts. A caisson disease is dangerous for a bathyscaphe crew only in emergency situations, when a rapid ascent is required.

Work underwater or deep underground is done in professional diving suits or caisson chambers with an air supply system. In these devices and suits, a pressure control mechanism is integrated. When immersed, the pressure in the caissons increases so that the person can safely breathe. Return to the surface of the earth must be gradual, so that the organism can reconstruct itself. Rapid recovery is fraught with the appearance of caisson disease and death.

Mechanism of caisson disease

A caisson disease is a blockage of blood vessels with a gaseous thrombus, which is based on nitrogen bubbles. Caisson disease occurs as a result of a change in the concentration of gases in body fluids. To understand the mechanism of the disease, it is necessary to recall Henry's law, which says that increasing pressure leads to better dissolution of gases in liquids. Deep down, the diver breathes compressed air. At the same time, nitrogen, which under normal conditions, does not enter the bloodstream of a person, penetrates into the vessels under elevated pressure.

When the external pressure begins to drop as you ascend, the gases come out of the liquid. If the diver rises to the surface of the water slowly, nitrogen manages to leave the blood in the form of small bubbles. With a rapid rise up, the gas tends to leave the liquid as quickly as possible, but, not having time to reach the lungs, carries out blockage of blood vessels with microthrombi. Vials attached to the vessels can come off together with pieces of blood vessels, which leads to hemorrhages. If the nitrogen bubbles do not fall into the vessels, but into the tissues, tendons or joints, then the extravascular form of the caisson disease arises.

Caisson disease - causes

Among the main reasons why there is a caisson disease, you can call these:

Factors that provoke the disease include:

Caisson disease - symptoms

Decompression disease, the symptoms of which depend on the localization of gas bubbles, can manifest itself almost immediately after surfacing. Sometimes a decompression sickness occurs when lifting to the surface not immediately, but after a day. The main symptoms of caisson, or decompression, illness include:

  1. In type 1 disease, which affects tendons, joints, skin and lymphatic system, the symptoms will be manifested by joint and muscle pains, skin spots and enlarged lymph nodes .
  2. In type 2 disease affecting the brain, the circulatory and respiratory systems, the main symptoms are: tinnitus, headache, problems with the intestines and urination. With severe form, such signs will join: paralysis, convulsions, suffocation, loss of hearing and vision.

Caisson disease - treatment

Before treating the caisson disease, it is necessary to carry out a more precise diagnosis, which makes it possible to distinguish the decompression sickness from gas embolism. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is urgent to begin therapeutic measures. The only true method of treatment is therapy in a special pressure chamber with the use of a facial mask. In the pressure chamber with the help of pressure, a recompression mode is created, and the patient at the same time (except for small intervals) breathes pure oxygen all the time. The effectiveness and duration of treatment depend on the severity of the damage to the body.

Caisson disease - consequences

Even timely and properly rendered assistance is not a guarantee that a person will not have the consequences of the disease. Caisson disease is dangerous for organ systems:

Common consequences of the disease are:

Prevention of caisson disease

An important point in the question of how to avoid caisson disease is compliance with the rules of immersion and ascent:

  1. Before diving, it is necessary to reduce physical activity.
  2. Do not submerge after drinking alcohol.
  3. Do not engage in those types of work that are associated with changes in atmospheric pressure, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, muscle and bone diseases.
  4. Lifting to the surface should be slow.
  5. For diving it is necessary to use professional equipment.