Milk soup with vermicelli

Delicious and aromatic milk soup with vermicelli is an excellent and nutritious dish for the whole family, and especially when there are children in it. Prepare a soup is quite simple, and a small amount of necessary ingredients are always found in the kitchen of any hostess. Let's look at the recipes of milk soup with noodles.

Children's milk soup with vermicelli



To prepare milk soup with vermicelli in a ladle we pour milk, put it on medium heat and, periodically stirring, bring to a boil. Then put in the milk the required amount of salt and sugar. There we add a pinch of vanillin for a pleasant after-taste and aroma, we mix everything thoroughly.

After boiling the milk, gradually pour the vermicelli and stir so that it does not stick together. Boil the soup on medium heat with a semi-closed lid, stirring occasionally so that the foam does not form on the surface, for 15 minutes. In the cooked milk soup, add a small piece of butter, mix, pour into beautiful deep plates and call everyone to the table.

Milk soup with noodles in a multivariate



Pour water and milk into the cup of the multivark. Add the same vermicelli, sprinkle sugar and salt to taste. We mix everything thoroughly, check for salt, close it with a lid and set the "Milk porridge" mode on the multivark. Now we press the button and prepare the milk soup to the ready signal. Immediately before serving, pour soup on plates and put a piece of butter.

Milk soup with coconut milk and vermicelli



In a deep saucepan pour milk, broth, add fish sauce, put sliced ​​mushrooms and put on a weak fire. We bring everything to a boil, pour vermicelli, constantly stirring, so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Then we throw the peeled shrimp and boil the soup for 3 minutes. Add finely chopped green onions and chopped chili pepper, coriander, bean sprouts. Solim to taste and cook for about 5 minutes with the lid closed. Ready soup spilled on plates, put the oil and serve it to the table.

Milk soup with homemade noodles


For noodles:

For soup:


We sift the flour with a slide on the table, make a groove, pour the egg into the center, pre-mixed with salt and water. Gently knead a homogeneous steep dough and leave it under the towel for about 30 minutes. Then thinly roll it out, cut into layers, stack on top of each other and cut into strips about 5 cm wide. Then shred each strip with thin straws. We distribute the noodles on the table and leave for 30 minutes, so that it is dried. Milk is combined with water, brought to a boil, salt, add sugar and lower the right amount of homemade noodles . Cook the milk soup on medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spoon.