Fish pie - recipe

Today we will offer you recipes of pies with fish stuffing from canned food and fresh fish. This incredibly tasty dish will be the perfect solution for a family meal or a treat for suddenly overtaken guests. The proposed options suggest the rapid preparation of this batch, which will save time.

Fish pie with saury and rice - recipe


For the test:

For filling:


We begin to prepare the pie with the preparation of the ingredients for the filling. To do this, first we need to boil rice in salted water until the grains are soft. At this time, simultaneously, we pass the peeled and small cubes broken into cubes to the transparency and light browning.

We uncork a can of saury, fill the ready rice with liquid, mash the fish with a fork and send it along with the cooked onion roast. We mix everything thoroughly and start preparing the test. We process the egg mixer with a pinch of salt until a clear and airy mass is obtained. Now pour kefir, lay the mayonnaise and sour cream, mix, in small portions, sift the flour into the dough and mix, achieving the consistency of the dough as a thick sour cream, a homogeneous and smooth texture.

Now make out the cake. To do this, pour half the dough into the oily form, distribute the filling from saury and rice on top and fill in the remaining dough. Such a cake is prepared quickly. After about thirty minutes of being in the oven heated to 180 degrees, he will brown and will be ready for use.

Recipe for fish pie from yeast puff pastry and fresh fish



Having a package of puff yeast dough and a piece of fish fillet in the freezer, you can quickly create an incredibly tasty fish pie. For this, we defrost the dough under room conditions, and at this time we prepare the fish filling. In this case, we will supplement it with potatoes and onions. To do this, potato tubers are washed, cleaned and cut into very thin mugs. Rings shinkuem bulb onion, and fish fillet sliced ​​medium-sized slices.

The defrosted dough is laid out on a piece of parchment paper and rolled out with a rolling pin to a size of approximately 45 by 30 centimeters. We divide the long side visually into two halves and on one of them we spread the potato Mugs, having retreated from the edges about five to seven centimeters. Sdabrivaem vegetable salt and pepper, we distribute onions mugs from above, and on it we spread slices of fish. It is also salted and seasoned with pepper. The free side is cut into diagonal bands and, turning them upward and, as it were, closing the cake, we form a kind of mesh. We protect the edges of the dough and transfer the product along with the parchment to the baking sheet, which is then placed on the middle shelf heated to 185 degrees oven. In fifty minutes the pie will brown and be ready.

If desired, for ruddy appetizing crust, you can grease the surface of the product with a beaten egg before baking.