Diet in breastfeeding a newborn

During the feeding of the newborn baby, the young mother has to closely monitor her diet, as certain foods can cause harm to the baby. In addition, often women during pregnancy gain a significant amount of extra pounds, so after the birth of the baby they are forced to comply with a diet that will help them return to the form.

In this article, we will tell you what should be the diet when breastfeeding a newborn baby by months and will list the allowed and prohibited products.

Diet during breastfeeding in the first months of a child's life

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. In the first few months of life, crumbs should completely eliminate from the diet fried foods, as well as any dish with a high fat content. While dieting while feeding a newborn baby, the best thing is to cook all the dishes for a couple.
  2. During this period, it is necessary to be very careful about the choice of meat. Although this product can not be excluded from the diet of a nursing mother, it is better to refuse fatty varieties of lamb and pork. During breastfeeding, the baby should eat low-fat beef, turkey or rabbit meat, baked in the oven or cooked in a double boiler. Absolutely in all cases, one should not allow the menu of a young mother to contain meat with blood that has not undergone sufficient heat treatment.
  3. The use of meat broths by the nursing mother immediately after the birth of the baby is unacceptable. Soups should be cooked on vegetable broths, made from fresh or frozen vegetables.
  4. Cereals at this time you can not eat all. The best choice for a young nursing mother is buckwheat, rice and corn porridge.
  5. Fresh fruit should also necessarily enter the diet of a woman who feeds the baby with breast milk. However, they should be chosen with extreme caution, since many types of fruit can trigger unwanted allergic reactions in the crumbs. Optimal use for food green varieties of apples and pears, previously peeled.
  6. Since a large number of babies are lactose intolerant, a newborn breastfeeding diet completely excludes the consumption of cow's milk by the mother's breastfeeding mother. Meanwhile, without abusing, it is allowed to eat sour-milk products, such as kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese.
  7. Finally, while complying with the diet of the nursing mother, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of unboiled water table per day.

Diet for moms for babies over half a year

After reaching a very small age of 6 months, the nursing mother can carefully introduce into her diet a variety of foods, including sweets and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Despite this, a lot of restrictions are kept, which must be observed so as not to provoke various digestive disorders in the child.

So, with colic and constipation, the diet during breastfeeding of a newborn should not include any products that increase gas formation in the intestine. First of all, they include any leguminous crops and white cabbage. Carbonated water in the presence of such problems in the baby is also better not to use.

All other products should be entered into the daily menu very carefully and gradually, carefully noting all changes in the behavior and well-being of the crumbs. Usually, if the baby does not have an excessive tendency to allergies, a young mother during this period can pretty much expand her diet and in almost anything she does not refuse.

The following table will help you to understand the questions of making a diet when feeding a newborn: