Exercise the bar - how much to keep?

Many people refuse physical exercises, considering them as complex and exhausting. This opinion is not true, because there are simple, but effective exercises, for example, a bar. She has practically no contraindications, but at the same time such a rack gives an excellent load to many muscle groups.

To begin with, I would like to talk about the benefits of this exercise, because it is simply huge. First of all it is worth noting the effectiveness of the exercise bar for the press, because it is always in tension. The buttocks, back, abdomen and thighs are also loaded. There is strengthening of the back, which causes a beautiful posture. Improves blood circulation, which helps get rid of cellulite and excess fat. Here it will be appropriate to consider another topical topic - how many calories burn exercise bar, and so when doing a classic version, you can lose 4-6 kcal per 1 min.

How correctly to do an exercise strap to lose weight?

It is important to take the correct starting position, which is worth working out to the smallest detail. To implement this, consider the main points:

  1. Take the emphasis lying down and fix the position so that the spine is straight. From the pelvis to the top of the body should form a straight line. Inadvertent deflection in the lower back, so imagine that the back is pressed against the wall. The head should be tilted so that the chin is perpendicular to the spine.
  2. Hands put so that the elbows were under the shoulders, and the brushes formed a triangle.
  3. Pull in your stomach and keep the press tight all the time while in the rack. Do not hold your breath.
  4. To maintain balance, you should maximally strain the gluteus muscles, in addition, it will allow them to work.
  5. The legs should be straight, so do not bend them in the knees. Please note that for the stable position of the case it is the hip joint that responds.
  6. Place the stops as close as possible to each other, as this increases the load. If it's hard to stay in the rack, then spread your legs slightly.

Many people are interested in how much to keep the exercise bar, and so the minimum time interval is 20 seconds. Time should be gradually increased to a minute, and then, even more. It is important to understand how many times a day to do the exercise bar . If you want to get good results, then it is worth repeating the exercise 3-4 times a day, but if you want, then do it more often. Thanks to this, the muscles will be constantly receiving a load.