Why do you feel sick after eating?

Nausea is a symptom of a number of diseases. If after eating constantly sick, then we advise you to undergo a medical examination. First of all, it is worth checking the state of the digestive system, whose diseases are the main cause of nausea. However, one should know that nausea is not always associated with diseases of the digestive system.

Common reasons for nausea after eating

Complaints that after eating sick and sore stomach, are not so rare. The feeling of discomfort after eating is localized in the epigastrium and the lower part of the pharynx. Sometimes after this, vomiting occurs - an uncontrolled ejection of stomach contents. Causes of nausea after eating can be:

In acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system, nausea, usually immediately after eating. According to some signs, diseases can be differentiated:

  1. With gastritis , in addition to nausea, the patient is observed belching hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs), bloating, increased salivation.
  2. The ulcer is characterized by heartburn, constipation, night pain, complications in the form of bleeding.
  3. With cholecystitis pain in the right hypochondrium and behind the breastbone is palpable, there is a metallic taste and bitterness in the mouth, an eructation of air.
  4. In liver diseases, fever, jaundice of the skin and eye sclera, weight loss are noted.
  5. Pancreatitis makes itself felt in the region of the heart, as in angina pectoris. In addition, the patient is suffering from diarrhea.
  6. Gallstone disease manifests itself in the form of bloating and belching.
  7. Dysbacteriosis is characterized by flatulence and stool disorders.

The main sign of food intoxication is also nausea and vomiting. Especially dangerous are such severe toxic-infectious diseases as:

Other reasons

It provokes attacks of nausea taking certain medications and drinking alcoholic beverages. Gastroenterologists note that a slight feeling of nausea after eating can be a symptom of helminthic invasion. In some cases, nausea occurs with nervous disorders, experiencing a stressful situation.

The cause of nausea of ​​a non-pathological nature is pregnancy. Very often women, especially in the first trimester after eating sick, sometimes with a stomach ache.