Meat broth

There were times when mankind did not know all modern sports and was satisfied with only one thing - "Running for a mammoth", or, conversely, from him. As a result, the person spent a lot of physical strength, which somehow had to be compensated. Such compensation could be a broth from the same mammoth. Time passed, and the mammoth replaced the bird and other livestock, but the human body still continued to need meat feed.

Previously, the caloric content and nutritional value of meat broths was not questioned (for example, beef broth contains about 60 kcal per 100 g of product). And now fans of meat broths are not small. After all, it can not only be an independent dish, but also complement many others, and also constitute the basis for the preparation of soups and sauces. And while nutritionists argue about the harm or benefit of meat broths, we will try to cook it according to all the rules of the art of cooking.

How to cook meat broth?

The recipe for meat broth, first of all, depends on the choice of meat. In practice, there are two main types: white (light broth) and red (brown broth). Subdivide meat broths can also be bone (from meat bones) and meat (from bones and meat).

Let's look at several options for making the right meat broth. First we proceed to the bone broth.

Bone broth

Because of the high content of bone gelatin, the bone broth gives a special flavor. To produce a rich broth, you can cut the bones by first rinsing them two or three times in cold water, and in the most ideal variant - they can also be roasted for about 10 minutes. After pawning them in a saucepan, pour cold water (1.5 liters per 1 kg of bones), cover with a lid and let it boil. After boiling, we reduce the fire to a minimum, then the meat broth will "languish" and the need to constantly remove the foam and fat from the broth will fall off. In the second option, you can not significantly reduce the heat and constantly remove fat and foam from it.

How much should you cook such a meat broth? If you use lamb and beef bones for cooking, the cooking time will be about 5 hours. Veal and pork - will be cooked for 3 hours. Long cooking is contraindicated for meat broths. the taste can only get worse. At least an hour, put vegetables and salt in the broth. They will add flavor to your broth.

Meat broth

The so-called meat-and-bone broth should be cooked just like bone. The difference is only in the addition of a piece (or pieces) of meat. The cooking time of this broth is determined by the softness of the meat - if the fork comes in easily into the fibers of the meat, then the broth is ready.

For white meat broths, a brisket or scapula is ideal. To prepare a red meat broth, the meat-and-bone tails will suit. Separate the meat from the bones, fry it a bit, add the sliced ​​vegetables, hold it for another 10 minutes on the fire, put it in a saucepan, add spices to taste (pepper, salt, bay leaves), boil and cook for about 5 hours. Red (brown) meat broths are most often used to prepare sauces for meat dishes.

Many people have such a question - when you need to salt meat broth? Meat broths are best salted 1 hour before the end of cooking, so the meat will take exactly the amount of salt that it needs. If suddenly you have salted the broth, then take a handful of large rice, tie it in a rag and put it in the broth for 40-60 minutes. Rice will absorb a surplus of salt. But, then it can turn out that the broth will become cloudy. If you need to lighten the meat broth, then cool a small portion of the broth to room temperature, add the beaten egg white, stir and pour into the broth. Bring to a boil and strain through gauze.

Meat broth for babies and children

A separate mansion is a meat broth for babies and children. Many pediatricians agree that it is not necessary to introduce broth into the diet of a child before two years. And children with allergic reactions, broths are contraindicated in general. Although many parents are beginning to introduce meat broth in the diet of their kids for a year.

Until now, many do not agree in opinion - the meat broth brings more benefit or harm. In some cases, broths do not bear any benefit, because they contain a lot of extractive substances that stimulate the production of digestive juices, so when stomach diseases such broths do not exist. To reduce the "harmfulness" cool the broth and dilute it with water in a ratio of two to one. In any case, everything comes down to moderation - the best friend of the consumer.