Vareniki with Adyghe cheese - recipe

We suggest you make dumplings from Adyghe cheese , and you will get an original, tasty dish that will please everyone.

Recipe for vareniki with Adyghe cheese


For filling:

For the test:


In the bowl of the bread maker, pour water, diluted with salt and vegetable oil. Then we break the egg there and gradually fall asleep with flour. Turn the device on for 15 minutes and wait until the dough knits.

Do not waste time in vain, let's take care while preparing the filling. Cheese put in a pial and knead it well with a fork. Greenery is washed, dried, crushed and added to the cheese. We cut the prepared dough into slices and roll out cakes from them.

Next, lay out on each spoon of cheese filling and we make vareniki. After that, throw them in a pot of boiling water and cook until they come up. Carefully take out their noise and put them in a bowl, promazyvaya oil. Ready dumplings served on a table with chilled sour cream.

How to cook dumplings with Adyghe cheese?


For the test:

For filling:

For submission:


Parsley and dill are washed, dried and finely shredded with a knife. We sift the flour and pour a slide on the table. We make a depression on top, break the egg there, add salt, greens and pour half of the water. Knead the dough, diluting it with water as necessary. Then we form a ball, wrap it in a film and put it on the refrigerator for half an hour.

This time rub all kinds of cheese on grater, add egg, throw salt and pepper, mix the stuffing with your hands. In a large saucepan pour about 3 liters of water, salt to taste and bring it to a boil. Chilled green dough is divided into several parts, roll each into a thin cake with a thick and a glass cut out circles.

In the middle we put a little cheese filling and we make dumplings, forming a pigtail along the edge. Ready to put dumplings on a board, sprinkled with flour and cover with a clean towel, so they do not dry. When the water boils, we lower gently into it green dumplings for 8-10 pieces. Cook on medium heat for about 8 minutes. We slice the butter butter with small cubes and add them to a deep bowl. We put ready-made vareniki in it, shake the container, so that the oil evenly covers them on all sides, and serve with sour cream.