Black feces

Emptying of the intestine is the usual physiological function of the body. But sometimes the color of feces considerably darkens. Why is feces black, and what should I do in this case?

The causes of black stool

In a healthy person, black feces may appear due to the fact that he consumed foods in large quantities that contain a fat-soluble coloring substance. These include:

This phenomenon can also be observed after use:

Medicines are what also makes the feces black. There are such feces on the background of reception:

The causes of black stools can be serious pathological conditions of the human body. So, it can be a sign of bleeding from the upper GI tract in diseases such as:

In the presence of a serious disease, in addition to feces of black color, a person may manifest other symptoms:

Black feces during pregnancy

Pregnant women often experience a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, so they often develop iron deficiency anemia. As a treatment, women are prescribed multivitamin preparations, which always contain iron. This mineral is partially absorbed in the intestine, but its excess is always output to the outside, changing the color of the feces. If you think that the reasons for the appearance of black feces lie in another, then just stop taking the multivitamins. In a completely healthy woman, from the next day the bowel movements become lighter.

Pregnancy and childbirth have no effect on the state of the intestines and stomach. These conditions can not become the immediate causes of a dark stool, so if you do not take any supplements and noticed black stools in your body, it's worth the tests to find out what it means.

Therapeutic tactics with the appearance of feces of black color

Of course, before starting any therapeutic measures, you should find out why the feces turned black. If the dark color of feces is associated with the nature of nutrition or the intake of medications, then there is no medical intervention necessity. Also, do not stop medication and exclude coloring products, because the change in stool color in this situation does not lead to any negative effect on the body.

If there is a suspicion that the black stool in the patient has appeared due to intestinal or gastric bleeding, then a blood and feces analysis, a gastroscopy and an X-ray examination should be done to identify the affected areas. Based on the results, a conservative or surgical method of treatment using endoscopic techniques is prescribed, but in any case, the patient will need to comply with bed rest and a strict diet.