Perforation of a stomach ulcer

The perforation of the stomach ulcer is one of the most dangerous complications of the disease. Against this background, peritonitis may develop. And if in time to not render the qualified help to the patient with a perforated ulcer, death can quite come.

What is the perforation of an ulcer?

The stomach is a hollow sac-shaped organ, inside of which there are constantly food and gastric juice. When the ulcer is perforated in the stomach, a hole is formed, and all the juice flows into the gastric cavity. The mucous membrane of the latter to acidic gastric juice is not adapted, therefore irritations appear on it.

Often the perforation of a stomach ulcer occurs suddenly. This condition occurs mainly in patients with neglected ulcers and those who neglect the diet and do not receive the necessary treatment.

Symptoms of perforation of the ulcer

Irritations of the mucous abdominal cavity manifest a fit of severe cutting pain. Very often, patients involuntarily bend in half, clutching the stomach to at least alleviate the pain. With the perforation of the stomach ulcers, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall become so tight that the stomach becomes like a board.

In addition to these symptoms, there are:

A characteristic posture for patients with a perforated ulcer is with legs pressed to the abdomen. In this position, the patient should be left until the ambulance arrives.

Emergency care for ulcer perforation necessarily includes surgical intervention. Delivery to the hospital bed of the patient must be very carefully, not allowing him to make any moves.

Conservative treatment methods for this problem can not be cured. Sometimes, of course, physicians resort to Taylor's therapy, which involves putting the probe into the stomach, but as practice shows, it is far from always effective.