How to lose weight with activated charcoal?

Many probably heard that you can lose weight with activated charcoal, as an effective and affordable way to combat the imperfect figure, so it is of interest to the origin of this drug, its effect on our body.

Activated charcoal is produced by activation from charcoal, bones of berries and other organic raw materials with a high content of carbon. The activation process implies that the raw material opens up a huge amount of the smallest pores that function as a sorbent in the body. As a result, all toxins are retained on these porous elements.

With a detailed study of the instructions for this drug, it becomes clear that pharmacists do not foresee its use to combat excessive waist circumference.

How does activated charcoal help you lose weight?

As research shows, you can lose weight with activated carbon due to the fact that this drug has the properties of binding water molecules, that is, the body more effectively removes excess fluid. Also activated charcoal reduces the level of assimilation of carbohydrates contained in the food we eat.

For a general review, it should be noted that this agent slows the aging of cells and improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Also recently, scientists have discovered another property of this sorbent - it removes excess cholesterol from the body.

How to drink activated charcoal to lose weight?

A whole diet has been developed, based on activated carbon as the main component. In order not to cause harm to your body, carefully follow the instructions below on how to lose weight properly on activated carbon.

On the first day, instead of every meal, you should drink a glass of kefir. Before each intake of yogurt for thirty minutes you need to drink a sorbent. On the second day, you should repeat a similar sequence, but this time kefir is replaced with apples. As for the third day, then all meals should be built on vegetables.

This technique will help to achieve the result, although not in a very short time, but with the least damage to the body.

If you are only interested in how quickly to lose weight with activated charcoal, then there is an easier way, which consists in the following: take up to four tablets before each meal. It is important to wash the drug with ordinary plain water every time. Do not follow this course of weight loss for more than ten days.

Conclusions and caveats

Remember that this medicine was created not for the purpose of losing weight, but for cleaning the body. Therefore, no matter how well you tolerate diets based on activated carbon, it does not take very long to delay them. Just keep in mind that taking this medication in any way is detrimental to health.

The fault of the negative effects of activated carbon is, that it absorbs not only bad elements for the body, but also quite useful ones, which are important for its normal functioning. In this situation, you simply lose a significant amount of important vitamins and trace elements.

It is necessary to avoid the reception of activated charcoal for those people who have gastric bleeding, a dysfunction of the intestine, a gastrointestinal lesion.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that the use of this sorbent as a dietary supplement is undesirable. But if, in your opinion, this can not be avoided, then do not abuse this drug, since, initially, it was not created for this purpose at all.