Hypokinesia - what is it and what are its consequences?

Studies show that the tendency to reduce physical exertion over the past centuries has greatly increased. And the last century, for human muscles, turned out to be critical, efforts were reduced from 94% to 1%. Hypokinesia is rapidly developing around the globe and has already become one of the main problems of our days.

What is hypokinesia?

I want to note that such a disease is not very dangerous for life. However, such a disease can lead to very serious and serious complications. Hypokinesia is a certain state of the human body that occurs as a result of the lack or insufficiency of motor activity, due to a variety of causes.

Hypokinesia and hypodynamia - the difference

In order for the human body to function properly, it needs a very good activity of the muscles of the skeleton. Sufficient work of muscles increases energy production, promotes the formation of heat, activity is still needed for proper functioning, at least respiratory and cardiovascular system. Decreased motor activity, hypokinesia, can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of all body systems.

Opposite effect on the body can have hyperkinesia. Such a disease is expressed in involuntary muscle contraction, it can develop against the background of central nervous system damage, with frequent and prolonged stressful situations. The concepts of hypokinesia and hyperkinesia do not have one meaning, but lonely diseases are dangerous and negatively affect the whole organism.

When talking about hypokinesia, often imply hypodynamia. It occurs against the background of the fact that a person ceases to move not as a result of an advancing illness, but because of a decrease in physical labor. Such arbitrary immobility also leads to negative consequences for the whole organism. What is hypokinesia and hypodynamia - is in both cases a decrease in the motor activity of the body.

Hypokinesia - symptoms

Such a disease manifests itself gradually, but as it progresses, the symptoms become more vivid and pathology can be detected without difficulty. Hypokinesia is always accompanied by a number of basic symptoms.

The influence of hypokinesia on the human body

Like any other disease, this also has a number of adverse, sometimes serious changes. The consequences of hypokinesia in neglected cases are irreversible for the human body.

The benefits of hypokinesia

Do not underestimate intellectual work. But the muscular load of people of intellectual professions is reduced to the simplest minimum, and even completely absent. For this reason, hypokinesia is more common for members of the intellectual profession than for others. Such people are subject to emotional tension, low reactivity.

The benefits of mental work to the detriment of the physical, will not be much. To avoid deplorable consequences, one should combine work with physical activity during the day. Do an easy set of exercises designed for office workers. It is recommended to visit the gym or any sports section twice a week. At weekends go hiking.

Harm of hypokinesia

The consequences of contraction or lack of movement are very serious for the body. The syndrome of hypokinesia is increasingly being put by doctors. It is important to remember that this is not a verdict. The body is capable of self-healing, and the harm caused by the disease can gradually decrease. The cardiovascular system will suffer the most from illness. Hypokinesia is not only sick but adults. Movement and exercise are necessary for a person at any age.