Mental development factors

The mental development of each person is influenced by a number of factors, the main of which are the following: personality development, genetic predisposition, surrounding reality, education and training.

Factors and patterns of mental development

  1. Development activity is the interaction of a person, his heredity with the surrounding reality, society. It is in the latter two that this development takes place. So, the activity of the child is manifested in his actions, which he performs at the request of adults, in the manner of behavior and in independent actions.
  2. Genetic predisposition is the biological factor of a person's mental development. The latter is divided into heredity (the organism in the generation after generation repeats similar features of individual development, personal inclinations), innate (a feature of psychological development that is inherent in a person from birth).
  3. The surrounding reality. This concept should include both the natural and social conditions under which the human psyche is formed. The most important is the influence of society. After all, in society, among people, when communicating with them, the individual develops.

If we talk not only about the factors, but also about the laws of the mental development of the personality , it is worth noting that the unevenness of this development is due to the fact that each mental property consists of stages (ascent, accumulation, fall, relative rest and repetition of the cycle).

The pace of mental development varies throughout life. Since it consists of stages, then when a new, higher stage appears, the previous ones remain in the form of one of the newly created levels.

Conditions and factors of mental development

The conditions that define the mental development of each person include:

1. Communication with the child with the adult generation is a way of knowing both himself and others. In this case, adults are carriers of social experience. At the same time, these types of communication are distinguished:

2. The functioning of the brain, which varies within normal limits.