MSH Fallopian tubes

MSH, or metrosalpingography is one of the diagnostic methods of X-ray examination of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes using a contrast medium. It is carried out in outpatient or inpatient (1-2 days) conditions.

Indications and contraindications for MSH fallopian tubes

Indications are dysfunctional states:


The procedure for the preparation and conduct of MSH fallopian tubes

The procedure of MSH is carried out on the 8-19 day after the end of menstruation, provided there is no inflammation in the pelvis. Obligatory is the prevention of pregnancy in this cycle. The operation is performed with anesthesia to stop painful sensations. As a rule, MCG tubes are held in the room of a radiology room equipped with a standard gynecological chair.

After treatment of the operating surface with iodine solution, about 15 ml of contrast preparation is slowly introduced through the cervix of the uterus. To determine the patency of the fallopian tubes, the MSH method uses fat-soluble (iodolpol) and water-soluble (urographine, urotras, hypac, veropain) contrast agents. Radiography is performed as the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes fill with radiopaque material. The first picture is done in 3-5 minutes, the second one after 15-20. With normal patency in the first pictures, a clear image of the uterus and fallopian tubes is obtained, on the subsequent - blurring as a result of the output of the contrast drug in the abdominal cavity.

The difficulty in diagnosing is possible as a result of spasmodic of the initial part of the fallopian tube on the background of emotional stress and in the presence of narrow and long fallopian tubes. In such cases, the diagnosis is specified by an endoscopic method.