Bouquet of roses and gerberas decorated verdure

Thanks to the variety variety, gerbera, which looks like garden chamomiles, is an ideal solution for creating flower compositions. A wedding bouquet of a bride from gerberas can be purchased at any time of the year, as in floristic shops these flowers are sold all year round. These bouquets look great in themselves, but also with other colors and notes of greenery are perfectly in harmony. After all, it's not for nothing that gerberas are the fifth in terms of world sales volumes, which are second only to beautiful roses, carnations, tulips and autumn chrysanthemums. These flowers have even their own legend. It tells about the beautiful Gerbe, who was tired of the attention of men and the envy of women, and turned into a flower gerbera. According to legend, this flower itself represents purity and modesty. That's why pink, white, red gerberas create bouquets for wedding ceremonies.

Bouquets of gerberas

Looking at the photos of bouquets of brides from gerberas it becomes clear why the girls prefer these flowers to everyone else. They are so expressive that they do not need additional decor. The greatest demand is for white gerberas, which in a wedding bouquet can be without any packaging. Enough smart ribbon, and wearing a hard portuquette is not necessary. Flowers of white color are suitable for a wedding celebration of any subject perfectly. But the bridal bouquet of a bride from red gerberas is suitable for an unusual dress with a belt or decorative elements of a similar color. Non-trivial notes can be bright gerberas surrounded by colors of pastel tones . A wedding bouquet of pink gerberas is the very embodiment of tenderness.

And now about how many colors should be in the bouquet. If the floral wedding composition consists of ten to fifteen flowers, then the bouquet looks luxurious, and it is convenient to carry his bride. To exceed this amount of gerberas in compositions, florists do not recommend not to turn a bouquet into a kind of flower bed. Of course, the size of the gerbera heads also matters. The smaller they are, the more flowers can be included in the composition. But bouquets in a minimalist style look good, if three or five gerberas are abundantly framed with greenery.

If the bride is tall, then a cascade bouquet will look great in her hands, and for the bride-inch, round-shaped compositions will do. Universal are bouquets on legs, decorated with elegant satin ribbon or organza.