Yellow color in psychology

The yellow color is the main color in the palette, because it can not be obtained by mixing any other color shades. But not only this, it differs from other colors. His psychology contains interesting facts. Which exactly we will understand.

Yellow color - value

The symbol is yellow, as you already know, the Sun. It is difficult to imagine what would have happened to our planet, if there was not this source of bright and warming light, bringing joy. This color fills a person with vital energy just as the Sun fills with energy all life on our planet.

Goethe once believed that dark colors act on a person soothing, and light and juicy activate his activity.

In the Christian faith, the value of yellow color was different depending on its shade. If it was saturated yellow, then it denoted the divine power, and if it was a faded gray-yellow color, it meant stinginess, greed, deception and ignorance.

In China, yellow is considered the embodiment of all female qualities and the depiction of the unconscious girl. Therefore, a woman dressed with yellow ornaments looks more harmonious and attractive.

The value of yellow in psychology

The yellow color evokes in the person some pleasant memories, induces to action. Scientists have been shown that this color activates brain activity and improves memory. His influence is very well studied by professionals in the field of promotion of goods. After all, the psychology of color in advertising is a special science, and yellow plays a significant role in it. For example, it is often used on banners, billboards and in ads. To create different logos, yellow is rarely used as the main color, but its blotches help make the logo more memorable.

It's not strange, but yellow, combined with green in many people cause associations with falsehood and lies. The combination of yellow and black is perceived as a sign of danger.

Scientists have identified a positive and negative group of qualities that can denote a yellow color:

  1. Positive qualities: dexterity, activity, ingenuity, receptivity, tolerance, joy, freedom, happiness.
  2. Negative qualities: dispersion, sarcasm, sarcasm, perfidy.

The yellow color, as it were, is scattered in all directions and at the same time it is the deepest, all-embracing, penetrating. Under his influence, a person is easier to make decisions and quickly move from words to actions.

People who prefer this color are very categorical about fools, like to argue and attract attention. Such individuals are characterized by high self-esteem, self-confidence, love of action.

A particular advantage of this color is that it helps us keep track of our figure, since it helps to allocate more gastric juice and, as a result, improves digestion.

Clothing yellow in psychology

If you want to buy a yellow thing, this may indicate that you need to restore inner harmony, protect yourself from stress. The main goal of people who prefer yellow clothes is to reveal themselves, to show what they are capable of. Such people are very interesting personalities, adventurous and energetic. They are in search of free relations that would help them to defuse the internal tension and achieve the desired. Yellow perfectly eliminates the excessive

shyness and shyness and helps to avoid unpredictable embarrassments.

The absence of yellow in your wardrobe can lead to a decrease in the level of immunity and depression. But the yellow color in excess can very fatigue and cause headaches.

So, if you want to become more active, focused and self-confident, start with a simple one and bring some bright colors to your life.