Rash with syphilis

The effectiveness of the therapeutic process in a disease such as syphilis, directly depends on the timely initiation of treatment. The main role in the diagnosis of syphilis is a rash, which in this disease has its own characteristics.

How does syphilis begin?

During the course of the disease, it is customary to single out the primary, secondary and tertiary forms.

The main sign of the onset of the disease (primary form) is the formation of the so-called solid chancre. It is a lesion of the skin and mucous membranes, which is observed literally 3-4 days after the infection. At the same time the base of this formation is rather hard, and has a cylindrical, dense edge. From the very jaundice can be observed small discharge. As a rule, the chancre disappears spontaneously after a while.

What does the rash look like in the secondary form of the disease?

In order to correctly identify the disease at an early stage, you need to know what the rash looks like with syphilis.

Differentiating this type of rash is difficult. It can be as pale pink spots, small abscesses, and papules (protruding above the surface of the skin are small tubercles, gray or cyanotic shades). At the same time, the diagnosis of the disease is complicated by the fact that, at times, similar rashes can appear simultaneously.

This kind of rash is observed with secondary syphilis and is localized mainly on the limbs: hands, soles of the feet. If we talk about whether the rash is itching with syphilis, then rather no, than yes. Only in isolated cases patients note itching and soreness.

Another characteristic feature of this disease is the fact that the rashes are of copper color. Often there are peeling. The rash may disappear and reappear, which only hampers the healing process. The secondary phase of the disease can last up to 4 years.

What kind of eruptions are observed in tertiary syphilis?

With prolonged absence of treatment, the disease becomes a tertiary form. At the same time there is no rash, but subcutaneous formations appear, the diameter of which can reach 1.5 cm. After a while they become ulcers. Also on the skin may be the appearance of tubercles, in the center of which round sores are formed, and in some cases necrosis develops.

Thus, by what rash in the diagnosis of "syphilis" is observed on the skin of the body at the moment, you can determine the stage of the disease.