Symptoms of an early pregnancy

Such pathology of pregnancy, as the fading of fetal development, is actually quite rare. According to statistics, this disorder occurs 1 time for 176 pregnancies. Despite this, every pregnant woman should have an idea about the symptoms of a dead pregnancy, which most often happens in the early stages. But first let's look at and consider the main reasons for the development of such a pathology.

Why there is a stop of development of a fetus (the frozen pregnancy)?

At present, all the reasons for fading fetal development can not be determined exactly. However, 70% of the cases are due to various kinds of genetic disorders. In this case, fading occurs almost at the beginning of pregnancy (in 1 trimester).

In 2 and 3 trimesters, such a disorder can be caused by infectious diseases of various genesis, traumatic effects on the body of a woman and a fetus, etc.

In addition, it must be said that in medicine, cases are known when fading occurs against a background of complete well-being, for no apparent reason. And it can happen many times, and the same woman can have 2 or even 3 frozen pregnancies in a row.

Among the most common reasons for the development of this pathology in early pregnancy of pregnancy, it is necessary to distinguish:

Also, in numerous studies, it was found that the predisposition to this disorder is for women over 35 years of age who have had repeated abortions in the past and those who have abnormalities in the development of the uterus.

What signs can indicate an undeveloped (frozen) pregnancy in the early stages?

It should be noted that the most dangerous period for the occurrence of such a violation is the 1 trimester of pregnancy (1-3 weeks). At the same time, the risk of fading at 3-4 weeks and 8-11 weeks is high. However, it should be noted that the frozen pregnancy can be observed and at later dates, up to 20 weeks.

As a rule, the first signs of a frozen pregnancy in early terms are so inexpressive, that many pregnant women simply do not focus on them. These are usually:

The most reliable sign of the onset of fetal developmental arrest at later periods (2nd trimester) is the cessation of perturbations.

The above signs of fetal fading in the early stages of pregnancy can not be the basis for the diagnosis. As a rule, they should serve as an excuse for contacting a doctor. Only an expert, after assigning various kinds of studies (ultrasound, blood on hCG) and performing a gynecological examination, can draw appropriate conclusions.

The only way to treat such a violation is surgery, in which the fetus is removed from the mother's body.