Caloric content of fried mushrooms

Mushrooms have long earned the fame of one of the most delicious foods. Boiled, marinated with garlic, salted with seasonings and herbs, in sauces, soups, pies, dried, stewed - as soon as not cooked mushrooms! But the most popular, perhaps, fried mushrooms . Very tasty fried chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus and white mushrooms.

How many calories are there in fried mushrooms?

Caloric content of fresh mushrooms is minimal. Depending on the type of fungi, it varies from 15 to 34 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, useful substances, microelements and vitamins in them are simply unimaginable.

But in the process of cooking everything changes. It's not a secret that frying is the most merciless way of preparing the useful substances in the product. Therefore, the use of fried mushrooms is minimal. At the same time, the number of calories in the prepared dish increases many times.

Caloric content of fried mushrooms depends on the composition of the dish.

If you cook, for example, white mushrooms with onions, using a spoonful of vegetable oil for cooking, the calorie content of this will be about 60 kcal / 100 g.

But the recipe, as a rule, includes other products. Usually mushrooms are fried with vegetables, omelets. Most often, milk , sour cream, cracklings, potatoes, etc. are added to the dish.

Cooked in this way, the mushrooms, of course, will taste better, but the calorie content of the dish will be much higher. So, if frying mushrooms with onions, potatoes and sour cream, then in a hundred grams of the prepared dish there will already be up to 250 kcal.

So if you watch your health and figure, count calories, then fried mushrooms are not the best dish for you. Stop your choice on dishes from boiled mushrooms. Their calorie content can not negatively affect your figure, but in the finished dish will retain most of the useful properties.