Signs of diabetes in women 50 years old

Previously, elderly people suffered from diabetes. In recent times, the ailment began to affect more and more representatives of the middle age category. Experts regularly diagnose signs of diabetes in women 40-50 years old. In this case, the symptoms of the pre-diabetic condition may appear earlier. Just because of ignorance, many women do not pay attention to them.

Common signs of diabetes in women after 50

With diabetes, the total amount of glucose in the blood jumps dramatically. This is due to the inappropriate action of the pancreatic hormone insulin, which controls the level of sugar.

To slow down the development of the disease and normalize glucose, you need to diagnose it in time. Knowing the main signs of diabetes in women before and after 50 years, this will be much easier:

  1. With elevated sugar in the blood of a person, constant thirst and dry mouth are agonizing. And to eliminate these signs it is impossible, even having drunk a plenty of a liquid. The state is maintained both in summer and in winter.
  2. Due to the fact that patients with diabetes consume a lot of fluids, they have an increase in the amount of urine. Against this background urge to urinate.
  3. The first signs of diabetes in women after 40-50 years is a sharp weight loss . If you do not adhere to a diet and do not take absolutely any measures for weight loss, and kilograms are concealed before your eyes, you should urgently go for a checkup.
  4. The feeling of weakness is familiar even to absolutely healthy people. But if it disturbs you too often, it is worth consulting with a specialist. In particular, you need to be alerted to those who do not recover their strength even after a long sleep.
  5. External signs of diabetes mellitus in women include non-healing wounds and sores. Wherever there are damages, it is impossible to get rid of them even by years of proven means and methods.
  6. Sometimes with diabetes, the fair sex complains of itching in the perineum.
  7. Many diabetics feel a constant feeling of hunger, which is already a few minutes after eating food returns again. This is explained by a violation of metabolic processes.
  8. In some women after 50 to the main signs of diabetes mellitus are joined with problems with blood vessels: hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis.
  9. Diagnosis of the disease can also be due to a sharp deterioration in vision. Someone in the eyes begins to double, someone complains about the haze, and someone has to suffer because of the sensation of sand in his eyes.
  10. A sharp deterioration of the teeth can also indicate diabetes. Periodontitis, severe bleeding gums, blueness, tooth loss - all these can be symptoms of increased sugar.

How to prevent diabetes in women after 50 years?

This is one of those diseases that are much easier to prevent than cure. Beware of the disease follows all. And those who have a hereditary predisposition to diabetes, you need to watch for yourself with particular vigilance:

  1. Do not allow the increase in blood sugar can be, adhering to proper nutrition. In the diet should not be too much fatty, fried, smoked, salty, sweet dishes.
  2. Favorable to health will affect regular exercise.
  3. Walking in the fresh air is extremely useful.
  4. Preventive measures also include a positive attitude towards life. Optimism and lack of stress can prevent many diseases.