The incubation period of hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is one of the few diseases that can not be clearly described. That's what she's afraid of. This is the most dangerous and severe form of the disease. And even knowing how incubating the hepatitis C period does not always help. This disease is called a silent killer. And he fully justifies his name.

What is the incubation period for hepatitis C?

An incubation period is the time that is required for pathogens to adapt "in a new place." Simply put, this is the time from infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms.

If you imagine what hepatitis C is, you understand that it is rather problematic to calculate its incubation period for women or men. The fact is that people with this diagnosis live a lot, but even more than those who do not even suspect the disease. Unlike chicken pox or cold, hepatitis does not always manifest itself. Many patients live with the virus for many years and learn about it either during an accidental blood test, or when the ailment has reached the most difficult stage, and cirrhosis has begun. Therefore, it is almost impossible to understand that an infection has occurred. Basically, it is necessary to determine who or what exactly became the source of the virus after the fact.

It is believed that the average incubation period of hepatitis C is from 20 to 140 days. But how intensively the infection will develop depends solely on the individual characteristics of the organism that has become infected. Someone signs of the disease may appear earlier, but someone never.

What are the symptoms after the incubation period of hepatitis C?

If the virus does make itself felt, it does it differently. Some complain of regular aching pain in the liver. Others suffer from constant weakness. The third has pain in the joints. Fourth start to notice a rash of unknown origin. Fifth, a noticeably darkened urine or discolored feces. Traditional jaundice of the skin can also occur, but this is by far not the most common symptom.

In the case when after the incubation period of hepatitis C it is necessary to donate blood, the disease can be determined by the increased amount of antibodies to the virus, increased bilirubin, and increased liver function.

During an ultrasound examination, there will be a marked increase, albeit insignificant, of the liver or spleen in size.