Cake "Trumpet stump"

Cake "Trumpet stump" got its name because of its unusual, airy consistency. Thanks to a gentle and porous test, this cake literally crumbles in the mouth. Despite the unusual taste, the preparation of the cake "Trumpet stump" does not require much time, so it will work out well even for an inexperienced mistress.

Cake "Trumpet stump" with jam

For lovers of sweets, the "Trumpet Stump" cake with jam will become a real find. Its not sugary, but rather sweet taste especially it is necessary to liking children, after all sweets a lot does not happen.


For the test:

For cream:

For decoration:


Whisk the eggs with sugar until smooth and add the jam. Separately mix the baking powder and kefir, add the mixture to the eggs and sprinkle the flour. As a result, we should get a light and liquid dough, just for 2 cakes. The cakes for the cake are baked in lubricated oil molds at 180 degrees for 25 minutes, and after the preparation is cooled and cut in half (in the end, 4 cakes are obtained). We alternate the layers of tender cakes and sour cream, which we prepared by beating the sour cream with sugar. Collected "Trumpet stump" sprinkled with grated chocolate and nuts, leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, and served at the table.

"The rotten stump" in the multivark

Preparing an already simple cake, you can make it even easier by using a multibar. How to bake a cake a rotten stump with the help of a kitchen assistant, you will learn from the recipe below.



Before you make a cake of rotten stump, you need to beat eggs and sugar, add a little fruit syrup, kefir, baking powder (or soda, but 2 times less!) And 2 cups of sifted flour, and knead the batter.

The cup of the multivarka is abundantly greased with butter and pour our dough. Prepare a "rotten" sponge cake for 120 minutes (for a multivark it's 60+ extra 60 after the signal).

To make a real stump from the cake, we sprinkle the cooled cocoa biscuit, and from above we draw annual rings using a pastry syringe with melted white and black chocolate. It remains to give the cake is about one hour and can be served on the table.

Cake "Trumpet stump"

The following recipe is considered classic. It takes more time than its biscuit "fellow", but believe me - the result is worth it.


For the test:

For filling:

For cream:


To prepare a cake "Trumpet stump" dried fruit is steamed with boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then grind in a blender separately (nuts crushed together with prunes). The consistency of crushed fruit should resemble jam, so if necessary, you can add water.

For the test, mix sour cream, sugar, slaked soda and flour. In the end, you should get a thick, soft, not clinging to the hands mass, which must be divided into 8 identical pieces. From each piece of dough we form a bun, and then roll it into a pancake. Smooth our filling on the surface of the pancake with an even layer, and roll the roll: 4 rolls should be stuffed with dried apricots, and the remaining 4, respectively, with prunes and nuts. Rolls bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, or until golden brown, and after cooling, cut into pieces in 4-5 cm.

We begin to form the "Trumpet Stump", filling the bottom of the form with rolls. Each ready-made roulette layer is abundantly filled with sour cream with sugar.

The "rotten stump" is infused in the refrigerator all night, and in the morning it is eaten with aromatic tea. Bon Appetit!