What you can talk with a guy - the best topics for conversation

Before the meeting with the girl, the girls carefully think through their makeup, attire and accessories, but they do not keep the topic of the conversation in advance, believing that it will find itself. However, it does not always happen, besides, not all meetings are planned, it may happen that you meet suddenly, and what you can talk about with a guy you do not know.

How to start a conversation with a guy?

Faced accidentally, the main thing - to hook on the interlocutor, to keep his attention. Use the environment around you to pick up the topic of the conversation. If you are traveling by tram, you can complain that you are often late for your route. It is very important to maintain eye contact. If a girl likes this young man for a long time and she has some ideas about him, you can start by asking how he works, and then move on to what he is interested in.

Asking how to start a conversation with a guy, you can even start with a discussion of the weather, and then smoothly go to the novelties of cinema or music. When asking questions, listen more than you say, and it is not forbidden to insert a couple of compliments and even allow tactile contact. At the first meeting it is recommended to speak on abstract topics - travel, favorite dishes, and if there are common friends and acquaintances, then it's a little late for them.

How to find a common theme for a conversation?

If there are absolutely no thoughts, you can tell a little about yourself - about hobbies and hobbies, work or study. You can touch the time of birth and the sign of the zodiac, highlighting the inherent traits of character that are in you. Find interesting topics for conversation will be easier if you look closely at the guy. Often, his appearance gives many attachments and interests. Is there a rapper cap? So he loves this kind of music, but if he is athletically complex and has beautiful muscles, he is probably engaged in some kind of sport.

Interesting topics for talking with a guy

Among the interesting topics that you can talk to a young man, the following are highlighted:

  1. Groups and communities in social networks. Modern young people actively communicate through the Internet and the guy also has some hobbies and hobbies. Perhaps he is an active blogger, and if you start to ask him about it, the topic will develop by itself.
  2. Topics for conversation with a guy include and discussion of pets. Perhaps he has an exotic animal, and he will gladly tell you about his habits and tricks.
  3. Books. Let someone say that reading today is not fashionable, literary works have been and will cause criticism and praise of their readers. If a guy does not have a propensity for reading, he likes watching movies, listening to music, etc.
  4. Funny stories from life. Humor can embellish any conversation, but if you start telling comic stories from life, it will not end.

Neutral topics for conversation

About the weather as the most neutral topic for a long time you will not talk, but looking for a new subject of discussion, it is better not to touch on finance and religion, politics and personal problems, as well as personal life. Interested in what to talk with a guy, you can recommend asking him where he was, what was most memorable and why. Memories from childhood are also not prohibited. Ask him about his plans for life, how he sees his future in 5-10 years.

A puzzling question about what you can talk to a guy else, psychologists give advice to discuss the latest news, for example, what happened in the city or in the country. The latest innovations in the field of electronics are a good topic and even if you do not understand gadgets and any helpers, the guy has an idea about this and will gladly express his point of view. This will be an excellent advice for those who do not know how to maintain a conversation with a guy.

Intelligent topics for conversation

The better a girl understands music, painting, literature, the easier it is to find an intellectual topic for conversation. If the guy has grown up in an intelligent family, then he will gladly discuss the theme of the Renaissance or Bach creativity. However, wanting to know what topics to talk with a guy, you need to focus on his level, because you can get into a silly situation, trying to discuss the "Saga of Forsytes" with Gopnik. Well, if the girl herself comes from a simple working family, then to match the guy you like, you have to sit down for the encyclopedia.

Philosophical themes for conversation

Conversations about the eternal and the sense of being are characteristic of the older generation, but if the guy wants to speak on this issue, one can briefly outline his point of view, preferring to remain a good listener. Philosophical topics for talking with a guy - still not the best solution, because he can easily take you for a crazy. In no case can not you prove anything and impose, otherwise the young man at the next meeting will run you the tenth way.