Structure of personality in psychology

Personality is a social education with a set of individual properties acquired in society. According to this statement, a person is not a person from birth, but becomes it gradually, or, does not become at all. There are three personality structures in psychology. These are traits of character , ability and motivation. This should not add personal qualities, because these properties can only compensate for some of the lack of character in the structure of the personality.


The motivational structure of the personality is the determinant, the driving element in the life of the individual. Motivational structure is determined by a combination of several groups of qualities, which we now enumerate.

There are qualities that speak about the orientation of the individual to himself. This - greed, conformism, self-affirmation.

There are properties of motivation that will tell you about the orientation towards others or a superior leader - orientation to

referent, on the group, on close ones. This will determine who will be guided by the person.

And also there is a group of properties of personal motivation that explain the measure of humaneness of a person. This is an orientation toward distant, to society, and a measure of conscientiousness.

Also there are two separate properties - desire and ideal. Much of the motivation depends on the size of the desire and on the height of the ideal. Proceeding from this, the favorable motivation is calculated. For example, high humanism, low ideal, and also orientation to the referent, are unlikely to motivate a person to lead.


Philosophers celebrated thousands of years ago, and modern psychologists are not surprised by anything else, stating that humanity does not yet know the full range of the structure of the needs of the individual . One of the most appropriate classifications writes about the needs of physiological, safety, involvement in society, self-realization and recognition. But in fact, each person manifests these basic qualities in different ways.


Self-consciousness is the ability of a person to transform himself and the world around him, and also to assess himself in the world. The structure of the self-consciousness of the individual means the influence of the ego, the self-image and the self-concept of human life. Some psychologists interpret it in the following criteria:

Others, by this term, include sensory self-awareness (sensation of internal processes in the body), personality (the possibility of evaluating one's own pluses and minuses), analytical or introspection, and active, that is, motivated behavior.

In any case, a person's self-consciousness allows him to separate himself from the world around him and concentrate on his actions, states, experiences.