Nifedipine - indications for use

An easy degree of hypertension does not pose a danger to the body, but when the disease becomes serious, it is impossible to delay with treatment. Indications for the use of Nifedipina is chronic hypertension and certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is a fast and safe drug.

The main indications for the use of Nifedipine tablets

All those who use Nifedipine from pressure, note a good tolerance of the drug. Side effects occur not often and are associated with the vasodilating properties of the drug. Actually, due to this, a reduction in pressure is achieved. Nefedipin has other uses:

Method of administration of Nifedipine

To date, there are two main types of this drug - high-speed Nifedipine and a drug of prolonged action. The first was received by scientists more than a hundred years ago and is still actively used in cases of emergency relief of attacks of hypertension. Since this is a fairly old form of the drug, it has many side effects:

On average, patients using high-speed Nifedipine report a slight deterioration in their health in about 15% of cases. Often doctors, without understanding, prescribe this form of medicine to people suffering from chronic hypertension. This causes some inconvenience, since the tablets have to be taken every 5-6 hours, which increases the burden on the body. In this case, it is much better to buy Nifedipine retard acting within 12-16 hours, or one of the newer variations of the drug that can prolong the effect of taking 1 tablet per day.

Nifedipine in pregnancy

The drug refers to vasodilators that work by blocking slow calcium channels, so-called calcium antagonists. It is much safer than beta-blockers and benzothiazypines. In fact, Nifedipine is the only drug to reduce blood pressure, which can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The main condition is to correctly calculate the dose so that it does not turn out to be higher than the permissible norm. This value is individual, depends on each specific case and the estimated duration of pregnancy.

The drug is eliminated from the body almost completely, eating increases the bioavailability of Nifedipine. Pregnant and elderly people are recommended to use only the latest versions of the drug with prolonged action, as they allow to reduce possible unpleasant sensations from use to a minimum.

Indications for the use of ointment Nifedipine

Israeli scientists risked using the vasodilating properties of Nifedipine in a delicate area. This substance was successful tested as a remedy for hemorrhoids. To date, several types of gels and ointments Nifedipine are available for the treatment of this disease. Indications for use are the following factors:

With nifedipine and lidocaine, you can use it yourself several times a day. Contraindications are allergies and intolerance of active substances. The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and the ability to perform actions that require high accuracy.