Roll paper towels

Rolled paper towels have become an integral part of the kitchen and bathroom . They have many functions, they are used for wiping hands after washing, wiping working surfaces, they can significantly simplify the workflow.

Benefits of roll paper towels

Towels will be indispensable helpers in your kitchen and will give her extra comfort. They have such characteristics, providing their advantages:

Types of roll towels

By its modification, roll towels can be two-layered and multi-layered.

Depending on the material from which they are made, the products differ in:

Holder for roller towels

The holder for roll towels is an accessory that will make their use much more convenient.

Holders are of such types:

Holders for roll towels can be made from:

Roll-up towels are a versatile material that is capable of fulfilling various purposes. Their use will greatly facilitate your work in the kitchen and help to keep hygiene in the bathroom.