Can massage

In the struggle for the beauty and harmony of their body, women begin to learn canned massage from cellulite. The essence of this massage is that with the right can massage in places of suction cans improves blood circulation and lymph flow, splits adipose tissue. Earlier can massage was done with the help of glass cans and fire, now special fireless plastic jars are invented, for work with which special preparation is not required, and the woman can herself make a can of massage at home.

Anti-cellulite can massage can be performed on any problem areas, except for the inner thighs, bypassing the popliteal cavity and inguinal region. To begin massage movements it is necessary from below upwards, from a shin to a thigh. The movements are circular, zigzag, rectilinear. For a better therapeutic effect, anti-cellulite creams and oils are used.

The canal massage of the abdomen promotes the rapid burning of adipose tissue on the abdomen, affects the activity of the abdominal muscles. The skin becomes smooth, taut and beautiful. A can of back massage is used for osteochondrosis and salt deposition. Conduct a can of back massage should be neat, not affecting the spine. The direction of the back massage is from the waist to the cervical vertebrae. Most often, the movements are rectilinear.

Technique of can massage

The movements of the bank can be very diverse:

Push the jar with such force that a small fold of the skin goes before the jar, the reverse movements are made without pressure. Each movement is performed about 5 times.

The method of can massage

  1. To carry out can massage, the body or body area needs to be warmed up by means of manual massage, kneading and warming up movements.
  2. For a better gliding of the cans over the skin, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a massage oil.
  3. Take the bank, it is compressed and put on the skin prepared for the massage (choose an even area of ​​the skin without bumps and hollows). The bank must adhere so that it can slide over the body and not create painful sensations. The surface of the skin drawn into the jar under the action of vacuum should be about 1 cm and should not significantly change the color of the skin (this is a sign that the vacuum inside the jar needs to be weakened).
  4. After the pot stuck to the body, massage with a jar (sliding movements) selected for a particular area of ​​technology.
  5. Remove the jars after the massage should be extremely accurate, holding a free hand the skin near the can.
  6. After removing the cans, gently wipe the skin with a towel.

Vacuum-can massage is carried out from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the individual characteristics of a person, not more often 1-2 times a week. After such a massage, you should rest for 15-20 minutes under a warm blanket.

If during a massage unpleasant and painful sensations are felt, the reasons can be the following:

If you are struggling with excess weight, it is recommended to choose a can of massage for weight loss. However, we draw your attention to the fact that can massage has contraindications. These include varicose veins, poor blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, inflammatory skin diseases, and skin integrity. Also contraindicated is a can of massage during pregnancy.