Diuretics for losing weight at home

Many women with excess weight want to get rid of it without much effort, so pay attention to the strong diuretics for weight loss. There are special pills , as well as folk recipes that you can use at home. Here it is only necessary to understand whether it is worth doing or better to give preference to the traditional and effective means of losing weight: proper nutrition and exercise.

Pros and cons of diuretics for losing weight at home

Before considering existing tools, it is worthwhile to look at the advantages and disadvantages of this method of getting rid of extra pounds. The advantages include the ability to get a quick result without serious restrictions in eating and enhanced training. Diuretics for weight loss can well clean the stomach and liver, and they also remove excess fluid, leading to the appearance of edema.

With the use of diuretics for weight loss, be it herbs or tablets, for a long time, not only water will be excreted from the body, but also useful substances and, first of all, potassium. So if you decide to use diuretics, then eat more foods that contain potassium . Another disadvantage is a significant violation of the water balance, which can lead to dehydration.

There are several recommendations that should be considered when using diuretics:

  1. Before using tablets or folk recipes, you need to see a doctor so that he can take into account possible contraindications.
  2. It is forbidden to use diuretics for diabetics, as well as people with gout, tuberculosis and other serious diseases.
  3. Watch for water balance in the body, using a minimum of 2 liters of water.
  4. Eliminate salty foods from your menu, as they hold water.

Diuretics and pills for weight loss

In pharmacies there is a wide range of drugs that have a diuretic effect. It is important to say that you can not take tablets for longer than a few days. In order not to cause harm to the body, it is best to select a diuretic together with a doctor who will take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

In general, the diuretics presented are divided into three groups:

  1. Loops . Strong drugs that promote the removal of salt from the body, and they are also capable of filtering the kidneys. An example is Torasemide and Furosemide.
  2. Thiazide . Means of moderate action, which include "Arifon" and "Hydrochlorothiazide"
  3. Easy means . Such tablets do not remove the necessary potassium from the body. This includes "Veroshpiron" and "Amilorid."

Diuretic folk remedies for weight loss

Many prefer the folk recipes that people have been using for decades. The assortment is wide enough, therefore we will consider popular means.

What diuretic is better for losing weight:

  1. Infusion of burdock root . Take 1 teaspoon of herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to soak for the night, and then, strain, divide into portions and drink throughout the day.
  2. Effective collection . Mix 20 grams of senna, parsley, dandelion and nettle, and put 10 grams of mint and Italian dill. Stir, take 1 teaspoon of collection and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Use during the day and gradually bring the dose to three glasses, and then, again reduce the amount.
  3. Diuretic teas . Helps to remove excess liquid green tea, as well as a drink made with ginger or fennel.