Sinekod tablets

Suffice it often, respiratory diseases are accompanied by a dry paroxysmal cough, which causes discomfort and worsens the patient's quality of life. However, to improve sputum discharge and accelerate recovery, it is recommended to take Sinecode tablets. The medicine depresses the cough by acting directly on the cough center. The product does not belong to a number of narcotic substances, therefore it is suitable for long-term use.

Instructions for the use of Sinecod tablets

The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating the hard-to-cure dry cough manifested in such pathologies:

In addition, the drug helps to overcome the cough of smokers, as well as to suppress it during surgical interventions and examinations, for example, bronchoscopy .

A sinecode can have the following output forms:

The choice of dosage form is determined by individual preferences and ease of use.

It is worth noting that the tablets are not chewed, but swallowed whole before meals, while drinking the required amount of water.

It is forbidden to carry out therapy for more than seven days. If there are no positive results, then another means should be used. In addition, it is important not to allow the combination of the Sinecode with mucolytics and substances that enhance the excretion of sputum, as this can lead to serious complications up to the formation of pneumonia.

Dosage of tablets from cough sinekod

Depending on the age when using the medication, it is important to adhere to the following dosages: