Prune for slimming

Prune for weight loss has long confirmed its amazing properties and enjoys public trust. Not only that with this sweet and pleasant kind of dried fruits you can get rid of excess weight, so it also enriches the body with important substances for health - vitamins and minerals.

Prune for slimming: caloric value

Probably, you will be surprised to learn that a product that is advised for weight loss is quite caloric. A hundred grams of delicious and healthy prunes account for 260 calories. Of course, this goes against our usual ideas about products that can be used in the period of fighting overweight. However, not in caloric content is its strength, but in the properties:

As it is easy to guess, prunes contribute to weight loss due to cleansing of the intestine, regulation of the gastrointestinal tract and increased metabolism. That's why, choosing a diet with prunes, you can easily bring your weight back to normal.

Diet: kefir and prunes

Kefir and prunes for weight loss give an excellent effect. Mix them in a blender in a tasty proportion for you - and on such a dish you can perfectly spend a day off, and even 2 days in a row.

This mixture can replace your regular dinner in a constant mode for slow and sustainable weight loss.

Prunes: a diet for the lazy

The simplest of diets with prunes will be effective only if you control your diet yourself. Replace heavy side dishes of cereals and potatoes with light vegetable, choose low-fat varieties of meat and fish, discard desserts in favor of light jelly. In just a week you can lose from 2 to 4 kg.

The system itself is incredibly simple: just before each meal, for 20 minutes, eat 3-4 prunes each. After a meal you can not drink, especially tea with sweet. The last meal in this diet is 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Prunes: diet for 4 days

With the help of such a diet, you can lose weight by 2-4 kilograms, but only in the event that you never break the menu and do not allow yourself too much. So, the ready menu for 4 days:

The first day

  1. Breakfast - 2-3 prunes, hard boiled eggs, a cup of coffee without sugar.
  2. Lunch - lean borsch without potatoes with a slice of rye bread, 7 pieces of prunes with a pair of walnuts.
  3. Dinner - a portion of baked fish, hard-boiled egg (only if you feel hungry!), Orange, tea.

Second day

  1. Breakfast - a couple of things prunes, green tea, a small piece of low-fat cheese.
  2. Lunch - lean soup with a slice of rye bread, a piece of boiled beef the size of a pack of cards (100 g), a pair of walnuts or a handful of almonds.
  3. Dinner - 4 prunes, fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice, green tea without sugar.

Day Three

  1. Breakfast - 3-4 prunes, a sandwich with lean sausage and cheese, coffee without sugar.
  2. Lunch - baked potatoes, any vegetable soup with a slice of gray bread, tomato, a couple of prunes.
  3. Dinner - 5 pieces of prunes, a slice of gray bread and a glass of kefir.

Day four

  1. Breakfast - 4 pieces of prunes, a portion of oatmeal in water in half with milk, coffee.
  2. Lunch - lean borsch with a slice of gray bread, cucumber, a couple of prunes.
  3. Dinner - 5-6 pieces of prunes, a sandwich with low-fat cheese, tea.

Such a diet will give results in the event that you do not break. Otherwise, you have to start again to see a noticeable weight loss.