How correctly to do an exercise vacuum?

Exercise vacuum for the muscles of the press came in modern training complexes from hatha yoga, where it is called "retracting the belly" or uddiyana bandha. Outwardly, this asana looks like an embroidered stomach, but in fact its action is much deeper. The stomach is not just drawn in, it goes far under the ribs.

The effect of this exercise is not only to strengthen the muscles of the press, but also in the general favorable effect on the organs of the abdominal cavity. With the help of vacuum, stagnation of blood and lymph in the organs of the small pelvis is eliminated, which is especially important for a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. All mothers know how difficult it is to get rid of a sagging belly after giving birth, an exercise vacuum is one of the most effective and yet safe methods of tightening the muscles of the press during this period.

How correctly to do an exercise vacuum?

Consider how to do the exercise vacuum for the abdomen. The technique of performing the exercise is simple, but it requires compliance with certain aspects.

  1. Before starting the training, the muscles need to be warmed up to feel them. To do this, you need to do some exercises for the press . For example, lying on his back, hands behind his head, raise both shoulders and straight legs at a distance of 15 cm from the floor. Shoulders should remain on the floor. To fix this position for 10-15 minutes. Repeat 3-5 times.
  2. When performing, it is important to breathe properly. Before you start, you need to take a deep, slow breath. The drawing in of the abdomen is always performed on exhalation.

This exercise has two options - lying down, standing on all fours, sitting on a chair and standing. Next, consider how to do an exercise vacuum for the abdomen, lying down and standing.

  1. Inflammation lies on the back, knees are bent, hands freely lie along the body. Take a slow deep breath, then also slowly and gently exhale. On exhalation, with a natural drop in the abdomen, an effort is applied to retract. A small nuance - the belly should be pulled in such a way that the upper muscles move slightly under the ribs. In this position, you must fix the stomach for 15-20 seconds. Then slowly inhale and relax.
  2. The insurrectionary movement stands upright, feet shoulder width apart, arms freely lowered. For the correct performance of the exercise, while pulling the abdomen while standing, one should lean slightly forward, obeying the pressure of the muscles. The technique is similar to the previous version - on exhalation it is necessary to involve the stomach and to stand in this position for 15-20 seconds.

You need to start training with a simpler version, from a prone position. Having mastered the technique and having learned to breathe correctly, one can practice exercises in a standing position. The answer to the question of how many times to do an exercise vacuum, depends on the individual preparation and physical condition of a person. Unprepared people at first is not easy, so it's enough to do 3-4 exercises in 2 approaches, and then you can increase the fixing time and the number of approaches. As for any other type of training , regularity is an important factor for vacuum exercise. This should not be forgotten, since one-time and irregular exercises will not give the desired effect.