Meniere's disease - treatment

Hearing impairment is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, which, unfortunately, happens with almost every person in the senile years. However, there are a number of diseases that cause hearing loss and deafness in young people. As, for example, Meniere's disease, which is most affected by people aged 30 to 50 years.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Ménière's Disease

Since the disease is caused by an increase in the amount of fluid in the labyrinth of the inner ear, which leads to an increase in internal pressure, the symptoms look like this:

The first signs of the disease in the form of dizziness and noise in the ears, if they are not accompanied by increasing deafness, sometimes do not allow diagnosing the disease in the early stages. To accurately diagnose Meniere's disease, serological tests, ear and vestibular examinations, and otoscopy are performed.

Causes of the disease

There are several theories explaining the onset of the disease. However, one can not be considered irrefutable. The most popular theory is the hereditary weakness of the hearing organs and the vestibular apparatus.

Reliably known only that which greatly aggravates the course of the disease:

Treatment of Meniere's Disease

Asked about how to treat Meniere's disease, you should first of all learn about the methods of fighting the attacks of the disease. As an aid in the attack of Meniere's disease, I usually use pharmaceuticals such as atropine, scopolamine, aminazine, diazepam, and sometimes prescribe diuretics.

At the time of an attack, patients are shown the maximum limitation of physical activity and, if necessary, a special diet to avoid emetic attacks. Effective effect is provided by acupuncture.

Treatment of the disease in outpatient settings is carried out by the following drugs:

For prevention, regular physical activity is recommended, especially strengthening the vestibular apparatus, as well as restriction of salts in the diet and inclusion of vitamin C and vitamin B in it.

Operations with Meniere's disease are prescribed in case the medications have no effect. However, surgery is performed only for those patients who do not have severe hearing loss, since after the operation, it may be aggravated.

Treatment of Meniere's disease with folk remedies

In addition to medicines, there are many folk recipes that help fight the disease. First of all, this is a special type of food. It means anhydrous and salt-free diet . In addition, sweatshops and diuretics are effective. Here are some recipes that help with the disease:

  1. St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle, birch buds and strawberry leaves mix in the same proportions and are filled with boiling water. Collection very well removes salt from the body, and also serves as a preventive measure of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension , helps with obesity.
  2. Tea from the roots of the sunflower removes many salts from the body. It should be drunk in large quantities for at least a month, the effect will be noticeable two weeks after the start of drinking tea.
  3. Black radish juice also does not allow salts to linger in the body and dissolves those that have already accumulated in the gallbladder. To avoid pain in the liver, the juice begins to drink three times a day on a teaspoon. If unpleasant sensations do not occur, then gradually the amount of juice is increased to 250 ml per day.
  4. Excellent help teas from sporis, bearberry, watermelon crusts, dog rose, nettle.