Inflammation of the skin

Inflammation of the skin can occur as a result of nervous disorders, hormonal disorders, imbalance in the work of the intestine or penetration of the epidermis of pathogenic microorganisms. If redness, burning and rashes appear in the form of vesicles, papules, blisters, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. What diseases are characterized by inflammatory processes in the epidermis?

Common skin diseases

Mycoses and dermatomycoses

Inflammation of the skin of the face, head and trunk can indicate infection with a fungal infection. From the place of damage, fungi spread to other parts of the skin, enter the lungs and digestive system. Particularly dangerous is the transition of the ailment into a chronic form.

Inflammation of the skin with eczema

Eczema is a dermatological disease of an allergic etiology. Along with this, there is a hypothesis that disorders in the nervous and endocrine systems play a role in the onset of the disease. Bright reddening of the skin and rash of vesicles can appear on any part of the body, but are most often concentrated on the face and hands.

Inflammation of dermatitis

With dermatitis, inflammation of the skin is caused by external factors (friction, sun rays, cold, chemical compounds, etc.) and internal causes. With dermatitis, along with skin irritation, itching is usually felt, there may be an increase in temperature in the area of ​​inflammation.

Pyoderma on the skin

Purulent inflammation of the skin occurs as a result of the defeat of streptococci and staphylococci. A significant role in the development of pyoderma is given to a decrease in the body's defenses.


With erysipelas, which most often occurs on the legs, swellings with a reddish tinge are noticeable. Bubble formation is possible. In addition to the skin from infection with streptococcus subcutaneous tissue suffers.

Ointments for skin inflammation

Modern pharmacies offer a variety of tools for external use, allowing you to solve the problem of inflammation of the skin. The most popular of them are ointments. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, many ointments also have analgesic and regenerative effects. Traditionally, the following are used to treat skin inflammations:

To eliminate allergic rash, microbial and fungal inflammations used non-hormonal ointments:

With severe inflammation of the dermis, non-steroid ointments can be prescribed: