How to disaccustom a dog to bite?

Often dog owners face the problem of a dog biting. Most often the dog bites during the game, but sometimes it can bite a person and for no apparent reason. If the dog constantly bites, then you need to take urgent measures. In this article, we'll look at what to do if the dog bites.

It is best to stop attempts to bite another puppy. It is important to understand that a puppy is not a furry toy, but an animal that has teeth and claws. He is given it by nature to live in a natural environment. Therefore, it is necessary to act in the dog nature.

What is the nature of bites?

During the games, the puppy learns to control the power of the bite, which in turn is useful to him when establishing hierarchical relationships. It happens that the puppy during the game, too painfully bites his fellow tribesman. Then, in response, he will hear a loud and very unpleasant squeal. For a puppy it is a sign that he bit too much, and next time he does not bite at all or bites less.

When a puppy enters a house where there are no other dogs, he involves a person in his games, considering him a member of his pack. Usually he runs up to the owner and gently bites him. Each owner plays with his puppy, but remember that even in the game you should not allow bites. First the puppy tries to bite to take away the toy, and when the interest to the toy disappears, again tries to grab the hand. This is a signal that you can not hesitate.

It is important how a person reacts to the flirting of a puppy. Pushing away the puppy, the person gives him an excuse to think that this is such a game and bites harder. Encouraging this behavior and getting involved in the game with the puppy, or persuading him not to bite, a person will only provoke the baby. Then the puppy starts to bite all the more and eventually can cause pain to the owner. If the game biting does not stop, then it can degenerate into aggressive behavior towards the owner. Then it will not take long to growl and anger. This happens rarely, but it's worth remembering this.

What if the dog bites?

  1. You should try to avoid any games with the puppy, in which he tries to bite you. If the puppy bites you in the game, then you should not scold him, spank him or grab him by the nose. It is best to react most naturally to him - loud and unpleasant squeal, then move away. The puppy will understand that the game has stopped because he hurt you. If you are constant in your reaction, very soon your puppy will bite much less often and not so much. In this way, you can teach a puppy up to 4.5 months old not to bite at all.
  2. When a dog has permanent teeth, the value of bites becomes different. If at that age the puppy constantly bites you, then this is a problem of domination. So your puppy believes that he is the chief in the pack (family). You can cope by lowering the hierarchical rank of your pet.
  3. If the puppy bites or growls at you, take him by the withers and with his muzzle facing the floor, look hard into the eyes. Say the command "impossible" or "fu" of your choice (just stick always to one team), step away from it and do not pay attention to it for 15-20 minutes. This is for the puppy naturally, so would any adult dog in relation to the puppy. Do not shout and do not beat the puppy, by this you just support his attitude and he will bite and growl more and more. This same advice can be successfully applied to the question of how to wean an adult dog to bite.

  4. Do not let the dog sleep with you on the bed. Also stop, if she is trying to walk up the stairs ahead of you, make her give way.
  5. Feed the dog only after the whole family has finished eating. Let for a while your pet and pupil earn food, games, walks, caresses. For example, before a walk or a game, give a command and give the dog the expected, only after its execution.

Remember, when you encourage or ignore the biting of a puppy, you run the risk of encountering the problem of how to disable the dog from biting. Take our advice seriously, and then your dog will never be aggressive towards you or your household.