Analysis of hCG during pregnancy - transcript

The interpretation of the results of the analysis of HCG during pregnancy should be carried out exclusively by specialists who, when evaluating indicators, pay attention not only to the period at which the study was conducted, but also to the course of the process of bearing the baby. However, it should be said that this kind of research is carried out not only during the gestation of the baby, but also in other situations. Let's take a closer look at it and focus on deciphering the results of a blood test for hCG during pregnancy.

When and for what is the establishment of the level of chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's blood?

Determination of the concentration of this hormone is carried out directly in the blood serum, which is taken from the vein. Indications for this are:

How is the evaluation of the hCG analysis performed?

As already mentioned above, only doctors are able to correctly decipher the blood test. As you know, the level of this hormone in the blood directly depends on the time at which the material is taken and the study.

When analyzing the results of the analysis for HCG, doctors usually use a table. It is in it directly and indicated all the permissible concentrations of chorionic gonadotropin in accordance with the deadline.

What can increase the concentration of hCG during the bearing of the baby say?

This kind of change in the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin may indicate the presence of a genetic disorder in the baby. However, it is worth noting that the diagnosis is never made on the basis of a single analysis on hCG.

If you suspect a violation of the genetic apparatus of the baby, perform an ultrasound. However, this method of diagnosis is poorly informative at the initial stage of pregnancy. Therefore, most often for the final diagnosis, sampling of the amniotic fluid or tissue site of the embryo is carried out, which allows to confirm or disprove the existing suspicions.

What does the decrease in hCG during pregnancy indicate?

When carrying out the interpretation of HCG analysis according to the table of norms, doctors often note a discrepancy of this indicator in the smaller side. The most dangerous of the reasons for this phenomenon may be the threat of termination of pregnancy. In such cases, an increase in the concentration of the hormone, which usually occurs with an increase in the gestation period, is not observed.

This kind of situation can also speak of such a violation as a frozen pregnancy, which is characterized by a violation of the fetal development of the fetus.

It must also be said that monitoring the level of hCG in dynamics is of great diagnostic significance. This allows to determine such a violation as an ectopic pregnancy, in which an increase in the concentration of the chorionic hormone is much slower than usual: an increase in hCG for 2 days occurs less than 2 times, which should be observed in the norm.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the reasons for changing the level of hCG in the blood of a woman in the situation can be a lot. That's why, doctors strongly do not recommend deciphering the results of the blood test for hCG during pregnancy to future mothers on their own, and even more so to draw any conclusions. Even the doctor, before proceeding with further diagnostic measures, is often prescribed re-sifting the analysis after a while to make sure the reliability of the results of the study.