How to grow a mandarin from a bone?

Want to know how to grow a mandarin from a seed? And rightly, not all the stones are thrown away! The question is, will the mandarin grow out of the bone, is inappropriate, the tree will necessarily grow, but if you want to enjoy its fruits, the plant will need to be planted, otherwise the mandarin will please you only with wild mushrooms. To grow this miracle from the stone, we need the seeds themselves (it's better to have 5-10 pieces, not all will sprout), the earth for citrus, water and patience.

How to grow a mandarin bone?

What do you think you should do to grow a mandarin from a bone? Of course, first these bones need to germinate. To do this, wrap seeds in moist gauze and do not forget to wet them constantly. After a while, the seeds will swell, give roots, and they can be planted. At this time, the seeds should be kept in a warm place. Although if you are not sure that you will not forget to wet the gauze, then the seeds can be immediately put in a pot and do not forget to moisten the soil well before the germination. After watering it will be possible to shorten a little, so as not to cause decay of the roots.

Mandarin cultivation from the bone - care

After the seeds germinate, they can be planted in pots, in light soil for citrus. We expect sprouts, not forgetting to moisten the earth. The first week after the emergence above the ground of gentle shoots, we remove pots from direct sunlight - this can damage young shoots. Fertilizer can be produced with the onset of a warm season, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic additives. Mandarin, as well as other citrus fruits like light and moisture, and of course, heat. Therefore, we put the rooted tree closer to the sunlight and do not forget to spray it from the spray gun. The temperature in the room in winter should not fall below 12 ° C. Spraying is desirable to produce at a time when direct sunlight on the plant does not fall - so your plant will avoid the possibility of getting sunburn.

Mandarin grafting

If you want to grow mandarins from the bone, the same as those fruits from which you took the seeds, then you will definitely need to plant your tree. No, a mandarin tree, grown from a stone, will also yield a harvest, in 5 years, although such fruits will most likely not be very edible. If you definitely want to bite off your own grown mandarins, you can not do without vaccination. For this not very simple procedure, a tree with a trunk diameter of at least 6 mm is required, a stem from a fruit-bearing mandarin (cut immediately before vaccination), a knife, a garden var, an insulating tape (any other elastic tape). The best time for inoculation is April-May or August, at this time there is active sap flow, so cuttings will be easier to settle down. Applying the stock and pryvoj to each other sections, they are fixed with the help of elastic tape. As soon as the bud grows bud and a new shoot starts to grow, the branch is cut diagonally 3-4 mm above the kidneys and the cut is clogged with a garden crock. By this time, the tape, of course, needs to be removed. To a new shoot stretched up, it would be superfluous to tie it to a stick vertically stuck into the ground pot. The grafted plant is watered, as well as before - in summer it is more abundant, in winter we reduce watering. Spraying and periodic fertilizers (once a week) of a mandarin tree should also be preserved, and winter dressing can not be produced as often as in the summer, or it can be stopped altogether. We take water for watering and sprinkling at room temperature. Transplant the tree should be annually in spring in the soil for citrus (or the soil "Rose").