How to cook nutria?

The old joke about valuable fur and a couple of kilograms of dietary meat is relevant not only for rabbits, but also for their toothy fellow - nutria. This rodent in ready-made form will surely be appreciated by gourmets, lovers of exoticism, and simply everyone who wants to improve health, because its meat is useful for those suffering from diabetes, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases, and pregnant and lactating mothers.

It is not easy to find a nutrient, but if you still get a carcass of a rare animal, let's understand together what can be cooked from nutria and how to do it correctly.

How correctly to prepare nutria?

Before correctly and, most importantly, it is delicious to cook nutria, it must be peeled and gutted. This is done in the following way: the carcass is separated from the head, tail and limbs. Skin removed, making a longitudinal incision along the abdomen, under the skin remove 2 glands at the level of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. The abdominal cavity is cut and cleaned from the internal organs (liver, kidneys and heart can be eaten). All that is left, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse.

Prepare the nutria, like any game, pre-properly having marinated, or soaked in water with lemon juice, in order to get rid of a specific smell. Dietary meat is slightly dry, so it is usually cooked with the addition of fat, cream or sour cream.

Nutria, stewed in sour cream



Cut meat of nutria by joints and soak in clean cold water for 1-1.5 hours, drain the water and repeat the procedure until the meat brightens (3-4 times). Next, pour the meat with milk, so that it is completely covered, and leave for 8-12 hours. Such a multi-stage soak will help get rid of the very specific smell of this rodent.

When the carcass is soaked, we clean each piece of fat, as it does not melt during cooking. Now the meat is fried until golden, in a separate frying pan we perform a similar procedure with a large chopped onion. We put the meat and onions in a thick-walled pot to extinguish (cauldron or gosjatnitsa will do) and pour a mixture of sour cream, mustard and spices, add a glass of broth and stew for about an hour. When the nutria stewed in sour cream is ready, it is served on a large dish, abundantly sprinkled with herbs to taste.

Roast from nutria



Carcase nutria soaked in water, or milk for the night, cut into portions and fry on any fat until golden brown. Potatoes are cleaned, coarsely chopped and fried until half-ready (until the appearance of crust). Onions cut into rings and also fry together with pieces of carrot.

At the bottom of the gusjatnitsy fried nutria is laid, then a layer of potatoes, onions and carrots. Fill the roast with wine and broth, add salt and spices, a little pounded walnuts and crushed garlic. We put the roast from the nutria in the oven and cook at 200 degrees 1,5-2 hours. A ready-made dish is served with chopped parsley.

Nutria, according to this recipe, is easily prepared in a multivarker according to a similar principle: first the meat is fried for fat in the "Hot" or "Baking" mode, and then broth the broth and wine, add spices and "Stew." The extinguishing time the multivarker will determine automatically. Bon Appetit!