Crises of age development

Usually crises of age development occur at the junction of certain phases of a person's growing up and they are related both to changes that are physiological in nature, in particular to the restructuring of the hormonal system, and to psycho-social factors conditioned by the environment and the positioning of the individual in society. And it does not matter whether it is a question of a child's adolescent period of a person's life, or about a more mature age.

The main characteristics of the crisis of age development are critical thinking and a reassessment of life guides, which inevitably entail a decrease in efficiency, deterioration in academic performance and violation of discipline (if it is a school-age child), and, in the case of unfavorable external social factors, which in the beginning will be associated with the desire to remake the world around him, and after realizing that it is impossible to do this, there is usually a transition of affective states in depressive, which may have varying degrees of duration.

Am I king or not a king?

Almost always the age crises of mental development occur in those periods of life when we try to determine our place under the sun, to assess the degree of our belonging to one or another social "caste", wishing to prove to all and everyone that we are quite able to claim the "throne" , no matter what, whether it is the title of the first beauty of the school or the honorary title of the best employee of the month. The thing is that during the whole period of the formation of the personality, there are periodic intervals, in which, one way or another, we have to challenge ourselves and the world around us. This is directly related to human evolution. In nature, the strongest survives and all the bonuses handed out by life are also collected by him.

In our psyche, there is a certain "shield" from stress, but when the armor is broken, an age-related crisis develops in the personality or, if you like, some moment of initiation. It can be said that during this period, nature reflects on whether it is worth promoting the gene pool of this particular person on the evolutionary ladder, and if so, how to help him understand his strengths and weaknesses in order to determine his further development path.

Are there any pros?

Paradoxically, the age-related crises in the development of the individual also have their positive side. They teach us objective self-perception, which allows us to avoid excessive selfishness and megalomania in the future, thus enabling us to coexist comfortably in society, respecting and placing in the priority is not only their own interests. The ability to compromise with the people around us, and with ourselves we are just such difficult periods in our lives.

And by the way, according to statistics, it was those who were able to give a correct assessment of everything that happens during the period of the age crisis, making at the same time a maximum of useful conclusions and then becoming the most successful members of society, irrespective of the professional sphere in which they are involved or to which social stratum relate. They will always be on the head higher among equals themselves by status.